You tell to the spectator that they have a free choice of any one of the 22 major arcana cards and not to reveal to anyone the card that they have chosen.
You then proceed to do a one card tarot reading based on their secretly chosen card. You never see which card they have chosen, but are able to do a complete reading based on their exact card. There is no force they have a free choice. You tell them they will also see a desire or fortune associated with every card and you will also reveal and interpret their desire as well. The spectator never says what tarot card they have chosen and once you place the cards down you never touch them again. You can be sitting across from them or even standing 10 feet away.
Take your spectators back to the golden era of mystics and fortune tellers with this wonderfully aged arcane 5 Shot Tarot carnival style mind reading effect. Your spectators will be convinced that this is a true relic from the 1930's!
5 shot Tarot is a specially printed set of 5 cards with all 22 Arcana cards pictured on their backs and an additional 6th card that is a legend or crib card. The cards are 5 inch by 3.25 inches and printed on heavy 130 pound card stock. They're hand sanded then aged. There is also a crib built into the label on the distressed and aged box. 5 shot does not require any memory work.
5 Shot comes with a manual, routine and professional reader interpretations of the 22 arcana and desires. There is also a private 5 Shot forum that you get access to.
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