FAST TRACK HYPNOSIS, NLP & HYPNOTHERAPY COURSE by Jonathan Royle - Mixed Media Download
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In this brand new multi-media package filmed and released in July 2019, International Television & Celebrity Hypnotist Jonathan Royle reveals the True Inside Fast-Track Secrets to Mind Therapy Hypnosis, NLP & Hypnotherapy Success.
By way of 17 videos with a combined duration of just over two hours of Accelerated Hypnotic Learning, along with a supporting 52 minutes audio MP3, 9 PDF training manuals and another 3 bonus training videos with another 40+ minutes of dynamite content, you can and will quite literally be able to become a truly Confident and Competent Hypnotherapist in less than a week.
As well as learning every Insider Success Secret of treating people with Hypnosis on an individual one-to-one basis, you will also discover exactly how to run Hugely Profitable Group Hypnotherapy Treatment Sessions.
That may sound like a highly exaggerated claim. However, Royle is confident that even the complete novice can (and will) become proficient in the art of helping people to overcome their habits, addictions, fears, phobias and many other issues from A through to Z within a single approx. 60 minute treatment session.
Even experienced Mind Therapy Professionals will learn many new invaluable hints, tips, techniques, secrets & strategies that the vast majority of Hypnosis Trainers quite simply don't know. These are GUARANTEED to make you a far better therapist.
The main video training consists of these 17 videos:
1. Introduction 2. Advertise to Get Clients 3. Booking Your Clients in & Pre-Session Work 4. Get Rapport & Keys to Hypnosis 5. Hypnotic Trance Induction - Suggestion Tests 6. Hypnotic Trance Induction - How To Hypnotize 7. Deepening the Level of Trance 8. Ego-Strengthening Therapy & Voice Tones 9. Carry Out The Necessary Therapy 10. Implant the Major Post Hypnotic Suggestions 11. Awakening the Client from Trance 12. Video Testimonials & SUDS Technique 13. Abreactions, Health & Safety and Duty of Care 14. The Biggest Secrets Revealed 15. Royle's Complete Mind Therapy Approach 16. Royle's Complete Unconscious Reprogramming of Emotional Disease & Distress 17. Final Thoughts & Further Resources
The Three Bonus Videos - Combined Duration 40+ Minutes:
a) Two Words with 15 Letters that are the Key to Hypnotic Success b) How to Make Big Money from Your New Hypnosis Skills c) How to Never Fail as a Hypnotist
Plus You get Nine PDF Training Manuals:
Combine study of the videos with the manuals included in this download package and you will soon become a far more Confident, Competent and Skillfully Successful Hypnotic Exponent than you perhaps ever dreamed possible.
Bonus TOP SECRET Fast Track Success Tools:
Within this download package you will also find several accelerated learning "Fast-Track" PDF "Secret" Tools. These, when used as instructed in the training videos, will enable you to be giving Professional Standard, Safe, Ethical and Highly Effective Hypnotherapy Treatment sessions in less than a week from purchasing, assuming of course you actually watch all the videos and do exactly as Royle will teach you in this truly unique course.
World Class Training From One of the World's Leading Hypnotists
Jonathan Royle has been a Successful Hypnotist for over 30 years at date of release of this package (July 2019) and the content of his training materials is unequaled. Hence they are approved, endorsed and accredited by:
* The United Kingdom Board of Clinical Hypnotherapy - UKBCH.
* The Mind-Care Organisation UK Ltd.
* Personal Development Associates (USA)
* International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine - IPHM.
Grab your copy of this package today before we raise the price to one that reflects the true value more realistically, as currently you should be able to recoup back your investment in next to no time.
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