Zur Produktinformation


Every Trick in the Book is an encyclopedic, large-format (A4), photo-illustrated publication with 600 pages of magic tricks, mentalism and mind reading routines. It even contains cold-reading and pseudo hypnosis secrets -- all written, devised, and compiled by Jonathan Royle.

This book is made up of 36 of his different eBooks that usually retail, on average, approximately $20 - $40 each from major magic dealers. Thus, to buy all of this material as individual eBook publications from magic dealers would cost you far in excess of $800 (approx. £647 UK Sterling at time of books release in February 2017).

Therefore, this Compilation eBook is an amazing value at just $197, given that it contains all the material you would ever need to put together complete, professional-standard acts and shows, covering all areas of:

*Close-up magic and strolling magic routines
*Comedy stage and cabaret comedy magic show
*Complete children's party and family style magic show
*Complete mentalism and mind reading show
*Complete hypnosis-style show requiring no genuine hypnosis whatsoever
*Complete stand-up comedy joke-telling act
*Complete circus yogi sideshow-feats style act
*Cold-reading and fortune-telling style performances

Heck, along the way you'll also learn how to eat fire, lie on a bed of nails, and perform numerous other circus yogi and sideshow stunts. You'll discover the arts of Pawology (dogs' paw reading) and psychic belly-button reading (navel - gazing). You'll even be taught how to become a successful stand-up comedian.

It is not a Joke when we clearly state that using the contents of this book alone will give you all the material you will ever need to pursue a hugely successful professional career in the world of magic and entertainment.

Because this is an eBook, all of the website links mentioned are all easily clickable, taking you directly to the private teaching video (far better than the hard-back version, whereby you would need to manually type these into your computer to watch the instructional videos).

This is all real world, highly commercial, audience-tested material that Royle has been performing -- in most cases, for over 25 years at the time of release (Feb 2017). It has helped him to appear on well over 100 TV shows and at five-star venues around the world, on a regular basis.

Enjoy Every Trick in the Book. It can help you, too!



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