LONER HAND EUCHRE CLUB PLAYING CARDS popular in many parts of the world, especially the American Midwest, Euchre is a trick-taking card game most commonly played with four people - two teams of two.
The Loner Hand Euchre Club deck includes two full Euchre decks inside one tuck box (black "leather" and blue "denim"). It's printed by Legends Playing Card Co., with their China printer, and utilizes their exceptional classic finish.
The back cards feature a detailed social club logo - the Loner Hand Euchre Club! Loner Hand is a term widely used in Euchre. Having a Loner Hand means you're going it alone for one hand, without the help of your partner. If you are successful in capturing all five tricks, your team is awarded 4 Points. The Loner Hand Euchre Club logo is featured on each back card design. One back card is set against a black "leather" jacket, and the other back card is set against a blue "denim" jacket.
Each black and blue set of face cards includes the full suits of nines, tens, Jacks, Queens, Kings and Aces (2-8 and Jokers are not needed in most Euchre games). The semi-custom courts incorporate the same elements from the back cards, including the leather and denim textures. They are extremely functional and provide the highest level of playability. Also included are two rules cards and four custom score cards. You just need a dime as your points marker. No need for boring fives as makeshift score cards in the Loner Hand Euchre Club deck.
The tuck box features the club logo and black "leather" design that's printed in 4-color process.
The Loner Hand Euchre Club deck will be a perfect fit for game night!
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