Erinus Eterna is a deck of playing cards designed by Vincent and inspired by the plant "Erinus Lobelia", one of the oldest plants in the world, discovered and so called by biologist and writer Carl von Linné in 1707.
The Lobelia flower represents a myriad of meanings that changes based on the color of its petals, it can represent love, prosperity and union. These flowers also signify good luck, bonding, hope and strong family and friendship relationship. Furthermore, Erinus at the time of Emperor Nerone was an avenging deity.
Erinus Eterna Gold is the most standard edition limited to around 1000 decks (never printed again). Despite this, it features all the feature of a premium deck.
General Features
Limited edition about 1000 copies
Tuck box 330gsm with cardstock premium
Two colors in foil on tuck case
Embossing on tuck case
(CMYK PRINT) of the back of the card
310gsm premium German linen card stock with black core (Butter finish)
100% Custom design (Box, back of the card, Aces, Courts, Pips, Joker)
Poker size
Printed by WJPC
Design by Vincenzo Alfano (Oxalis Cards)
Meaning of Back Design
The overall design is rich in visible and hidden symbols, all underline the various meanings of the Lobelia Plant, in every corner of the deck you will find references of branches and leaves. The predominant choice of green color recalls the color of plants while the variety of different colors in the figures recall the many shades of nature and flowers.
The Courts
The courts are a very important aspect of the deck. Vincent completely redesigned by hand on paper and then digitized the figures with modern style inspired by the ancient Dondorf card deck. In the last period he has been passionate and studied the history of Bernard J. Dondorf, managing to add to his design, elements and meanings of the current historical period to the theme of nature, enriching the figures with different colors and many details.
The Aces and Pips
Even the Aces and Pips were first sketched in pencil and then digitized. Each Ace is intertwined with at least one infinity and wrapped in branches and leaves, while the Pips have an infinity symbol inside personalized in a minimal style to be easily recognizable. Everything highlights the theme of infinity and nature.
The Jokers
One of the predominant symbols of the Erinus Lobelia plant is the family bond, one must have strong roots to cultivate a bond. The jokers are supported by strong hands wrapped in roots and leaves.
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