Echo Deluxe by Wayne Dobson in association with Alan Wong
At The Session in UK in January 2020, Wayne Dobson performed live for the third time in the last 10 years his signature piece "Echo" in spite of his severe MS condition, and got a full house standing ovation.
He now has decided to share his legacy with, the release of Echo Deluxe, his signature and original magic with the magic world. Echo Deluxe is a non-stop, self-working, highly interactive, comedy card magic suitable for close up, parlor and stage, and already a classic act on its own.
This will be a collector's item that consists of:
1. PDF instructions with the whole original script and handling for Echo performance from Wayne Dobson 2. A solid walnut hardwood gimmicked magnetic card box to facilitate a miracle ending with the chosen card appearing from the empty box.
"What you have here is a routine that has served me extremely well over the years. I have used it in TV, cabaret and in my stage and theatre shows, but it registers strongest in corporate work when you use the MD, or someone that everybody knows. Ever since I started doing the effect in 1995 I have continually updated the routine to what you are about to read. The basic effect was inspired by the American magician, the late Karrel Fox. You teach the spectator a card trick by giving him obvious verbal cues and, at the finish, neither he nor the audience are aware of how it was accomplished! What is absolutely certain... is plenty of laughs and ten minutes of solid entertainment!" - Wayne Dobson
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