Don't Play cards With me by Jonathan Royle - ebook
SFr. 7.50
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inkl. MwSt.
EFFECT: Using the "Ultimate" handling for this routine it would look like a borrowed deck of cards is shuffled numerous times by random spectators in the audience and then handed back to the performer who also shuffles and cuts the cards in several fancy and skilful looking manners prior to demonstrating that he can always deal himself the winning hand of cards in a series of Four Handed Card Game's!
During the demonstration the performer wins at Two Hands of Brag, Two Hands of Black-Jack or as some prefer to call it Pontoon and Two Hands of Poker prior to a jaw dropping routine finish whereby you demonstrate your gambling expertise at Bridge or as some people prefer to call it Whist where the entire deck is dealt into four separate hands of cards and these are seen to end up having been dealt perfectly into hands of Clubs, Hearts, Spades and Diamonds.
Along the way you can also demonstrate your apparent skill at Second dealing and all in all after watching you perform this routine all who witness it will truly believe that you are a master at Sleight of Hand and Cheating at Cards and word will soon get around that they should never play cards with you!
You'll also learn a multi phase Texas Hold'em Poker Routine where yet again despite the fact that the volunteer gets to choose which cards you have and which they have you still win every time and indeed there are several other reputation making gambling themed card routines in this manual.
Indeed there is enough material here to do a complete 30 minute act which will convince people that you are a master of sleight of hand and card cheating when very little skill is actually needed at all!
Pages: 17 - 8.25" x 11.7" - PDF FORMAT
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