Coin prediction - Ask a spectator how much is in a handful of change, they say £2.57, when you display it there is £1.64 (or whatever) You then go on to predict what coin they will finish with, whether its heads or tails and for the finale, you reveal that you had predicted £2.57 too. (No PW)
Dead cut prediction - a freely thought-of card is written on the back of the Jokers
Anniversary in my pocket - my take on the classic effect Anniversary waltz
Upper hand - a cool 4 for 4 transposition card effect
Cut, stop, think - a card routine that predicts exactly what card spectators will stop at, cut to and think of.
Stop and think - a slightly shorter version of the above, different method and a real worker
Drawn - previously under the radar in a limited run booklet super commercial card routine that leaves your spectator with a brilliant souvenir
Re-drawn - a different take on the above
Coin to anywhere - what it says on the tin
Mental coins - a great idea by Gary Jones a freely predicted number on a coin
Card at almost any number - total magician fooler, I've also included a kicker ending previously unpublished that makes it much more commercial
Locked, marked and reloaded - in my first book there is a routine called "marked cards" this is an evolution of that, much more commercial.
A freely named card - you bring out 2 Jokers from your pocket and it is written on the backs (as direct as that)
Stickman Stan - a really commercial routine that leaves the spectator with a brilliant souvenir, great for kids as well as adults.
Hopping lemon - a walk-around coin routine that has a "chop cup" feel to it, they never see the ending coming!
Destination amazed - a prediction effect using business cards. Predict a freely thought of holiday destination.
Thanks to Dave - using 4 pieces of a ripped-up card, it changes into a selected card 1 piece at a time.
Comedy card to wallet (prop included)
52 on 1 kickback thingy - A 52 on 1 card changes into a thought of card
Lucky card - card in lanyard (previously on my ATT lecture, I have added different handlings as well as the original to remove the use of the gimmicks).
Gambit - a really nice coin prediction effect using a gaff you will already own
GMT - a quick impromptu card trick from Gary Jones
Whoops - when the spectator signs the back of the card by mistake you now have a routine to go straight into.
Dr Daleys Mystery - from a shuffled pack Dr. Daleys last trick meets "mystery card"
PLUS 2 essays on performing close-up magic at events, dealing with Alpha males, pocket management, approaching a table, and much more.
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