Zur Produktinformation


There are so many benefits of using CRISIS. Some include:
  • To stay economical at those unpaid charity gigs we all do.
  • To be less worried about the facilities available (or unavailable) at small venues.
  • To still be able to perform a great show, even if plagued by unfortunate, lost-luggage situations.
  • To have a compact, yet expandable, show for unexpected impromptu gigs.
Lots of other such circumstances are the reasons behind the existence of CRISIS.

CRISIS is a 20-30 minute set of SEMI-SCRIPTED and FIELD-TESTED MENTALISM (predictions and mind reading). It uses nothing except a 3x3 inch STICKY NOTE PAD and A MARKER, and 3 minutes of preparation (no arts and crafts).
  • Simple, direct and to the point
  • No language barriers
  • No psy-forces
  • No gimmicks/accessories
  • Nothing related to playing cards
Here are its CONTENTS:

GAME: A three phase "Which hand?" game, with a kicker ending.

LOCATION: A participant's two simple and free choices are predicted before they even think of making them.

O DEAR!: A "Living and Dead" test with happy thoughts and Sticky Notes

4 THOUGHTS: 4 people are asked to think of something about a person not present in the room. Before they say it, the performer reads each of their minds, writes down his thoughts, and reveals everything at the end to be a perfect match.

Each of these tricks/effects perfectly gel into each other and come with a few ADDITIONAL IDEAS to expand the duration of the performance. Apart from the PDF, you'll also find a supplementary video to make its contents even easier to learn.

Pages: 26

Video: 7 minutes



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Economy-Versand (2-3 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 7.50
  • Ab Fr. 45.– Warenwert, Fr. 4.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert, kostenlos

(Kleinmengenzuschlag wenn Warenwert unter Fr. 7.50)

Priority-Versand (1-2 Werktage)

  • pauschal Fr. 9.50
  • Ab Fr. 100.– Warenwert kostenlos

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Samstagszustellung (Fr. 14.50): Für Bestellungen,  die vor Freitag, 15:30 Uhr bei uns eintreffen, kann zusätzlich die Option Samstagszustellung gewählt werden, eine Versandoption der Schweizer Post. Die Pakete werden dann am Samstag ausgeliefert! Dieser Dienst ist kostenpflichtig, auch wenn der Warenwert über Fr. 100.– liegt. 

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