Creating the Impossible by Chris Wardle and James Ward
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A new book from award-winning originators Chris Wardle and James Ward
Practical ideas for devising effects, plus 15 great tricks to illustrate their methods
Streamlined methods and effects you CAN and WILL use!
Chris Wardle and James Ward are both award-winning members of The Magic Circle, with a long list of credits devising magic for books, magazines, television, radio and the stage.
In this new book they share their simple and practical methodologies, whilst using examples of their own creations to illustrate their points. Inside you will explore workable, practical ways to devise your own magic and methods for making effects 'your own' in order to offer something unique to your audiences.
Included are a brand new take on 'The Jigsaw Card' and a Date Prediction with a kicker finish by Chris, and an ingenious name-matching idea and a memory-cheating effect, 'Eye Witness', from James, to name but a few.
This book will inspire you and set you on the right path for Creating the Impossible.
"Creating the Impossible is that rare thing, an original and practical handbook for magicians... Chris Wardle and James Ward have taught themselves to be inventive, resourceful and sharp. In short, they are the right kind of expert. They are creative. They are ingenious. Read this book carefully and I believe their ingenuity will start to rub off on you." - From the Foreword by Geoffrey Durham
"Chris and James have done a wonderful job with this book which I don't think has existed before. Useful for both creators and those who are new to creating magic, this book will inspire and educate the reader on the creative process. I feel all magicians should read this book. I love it!" - Angelo Carbone
"Both Chris and James have the ability to take simple ideas and, by the addition of layers of subtlety and ingeniously-devised presentations, build them into entertaining mysteries, many of which have found their way into the repertoires of leading professional magicians. This is because they instinctively understand what appeals to the public." - Walt Lees, editor of Repro Magic's magazine, The Magician (formerly Club 71), Mystery Magazine and Abracadabra, the world's longest-running weekly magic magazine
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