Confident Deceptions is the masterful debut book from Jason Ladanye, a star student of Darwin Ortiz.
Featuring a potent blend of magic and gambling demonstrations, Confident Deceptions showcases Jason's unparalleled ability to carefully refine a routine until it achieves maximum impact. In total, there are 18 effects across the 240 pages of this hardcover book.
While some of the effects are challenging, Jason's detailed explanation and the accompanying photographs help simplify the learning process. The impact of these effects also makes putting in the work worth it, as their offbeat nature and clarity makes them seem truly impossible.
You will learn finesse points on moves you already know, as well as polished material ready to be inserted into your own card programs. This is a beautiful book worthy of careful study
Long out of print, this is the first time Confident Deceptions has been available in many years. While the material is identical, the paper stock has received a significant upgrade and it has also been resized to fit perfectly next to Jason's second book Game Changer on your bookshelf.
"A cardician whose passion for the subject is second only to the uninhibited skill he has worked hard to achieve. He brings a refreshing perspective to the subject. His material and virtuosity sparkle with raw power and energy." - Michael Vincent
"A master of artifice, ruse, and subterfuge at the card table. Within these pages is offered up some of the finest constructions I've seen, masterfully routined for maximum impact and pure entertainment in the tradition of Darwin Ortiz and beyond." - Jack Carpenter
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