Cold Reading for Magicians & Mentalists by Jonathan Royle - ebook | Direkt zum Inhalt
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Arguably one of the most eye opening and truly revealing, whilst easy to understand and implement books of its kind on these subjects to ever be released by anybody to Magicians and Mentalists.

This Amazing PDF Ebook has 127 large format (8.27 x 11.69 inch) information packed pages of Pure Gold, revealing the True Inside Secrets, Strategies, Ploys and Techniques used by many of the Worlds Leading Psychic Readers and Fortune Tellers.

You will also find private links to listen to a One Hour & 17 Minutes Long Audio Training Session, which by the end of listening to it, will have made you able to instantly remember the meanings of all 78 Cards in the Tarot Deck with the greatest of ease!

Further you will gain access to a private link allowing you to watch and participate in a 92 Minute Long virtual training session that will help give you the correct Positive and Confident state of mind to become a far better Psychic Reader and Fortune Teller than you perhaps ever dreamed possible so that you consistently are able to get major hit after major hit.

The contents of this course really are "The Lazy Man's Guide to Tarot, Astrology, Palmistry & Psychic Style Fortune Telling" and go way beyond anything else on the Market today, this is the REAL WORK from somebody who has been giving Professional Psychic Readings both on a one to one basis, on stage and also on Television and Radio Shows since 1989, that is over 25 years experience to date with literally thousands and thousands of satisfied clients who have had readings from Royle.

EXPLOSIVE = For the first time ever Royle Reveals his most powerful techniques (including elements of eyes open Trance and Embedded Suggestion) which are akin to the kinds of "Wonder Words" taught by Kenton Knepper and some of the approaches taught by the likes of Jerome Finley, but have all been consistently tried, tested and proven to work in the real world with real clients for over 25 years at date of publication.

FREE BONUS = Royle is joined by a now Retired Psychic, who operated all over the world as a successful Professional Reader for the best part of 50 years, some of the insights and techniques he reveals will not only help you give far better readings, but also are worth many times the tiny cost of this ebook alone.

Pages: 127 - 8.27" x 11.69" - PDF FORMAT



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