Effect: A Chap Stick container is brought into view by the performer and the cap is removed displaying the red (cherry) contents inside. The cap is placed back onto the cylinder and the unit has handed to a spectator to hold onto. The magician now removes a quarter from their pocket and is seen to have a string tied to it. A spectator is asked to mark the coin with an "X" or initials with a Sharpie Marker. The Magician then lights the string and the quarter vanishes.
Note: The string does not need to be lit as there are variations of routines with regular string included in the teaching tutorial by Rocco Silano.
Effect (cont'd): Attention is drawn to the Chap Stick container that has been held by the Spectator in full view the entire time. The cap is then removed, and the red contents are no longer visible. In its place is a piece of string protruding approx. 1/4? from the top of the cylinder. The string is drawn upwards and completely removed from the container. Instantly and amazingly, there is a quarter tied to the end of the string showing the marking on it. The string is lit once again and all that remains in the magician's hand is the quarter which can be handed back to the spectator for confirmation that it is in fact the same coin with their marking on it.
Comes with link & password for teaching tutorial by Rocco himself as well as a detailed video from Roy Kueppers explaining the workings and construction of the Coin Balm.
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