Zur Produktinformation


To innovate in the field of magic products, we carefully blend classic magic elements with cutting-edge design. Our goal is to create magic products that surprise people from many angles while providing great value to audiences, magicians, enthusiasts, and collectors. After nearly a year of exploration, we are excited to introduce the XO Game.

We've reimagined the traditional drawer box, enhancing its functionality and aesthetic appeal. We've solved common issues such as accidental drawer opening and limited visibility by redesigning the structure and incorporating a magnetic locking mechanism. This innovation not only improves the XO Game's appearance but also adds a layer of sophistication. The box is crafted from North American Black Walnut and meticulously embedded with hand-placed magnets.

To enrich the product form of drawers and make them not only practical tools for producing items, we added the classic tic-tac-toe game prediction to further captivate the audience. The solid brass circle and cross pieces complement the walnut, creating a visually stunning fusion. A hidden prediction adds an extra layer of intrigue.

For magicians and enthusiasts familiar with these magic effects, the concluding presentation not only allows your audience to experience the uniqueness of the drawer box but also showcases the elegant combination of brass and wood when you reveal the prediction as a grand finale.

  • Improved traditional drawer box design.
  • Magnetic locking mechanism.
  • Crafted from North American Black Walnut.
  • Includes a classic tic-tac-toe game for audience engagement.
  • Outer drawer with inlaid prediction.
  • Drawer with knob.
  • Partition layer box.
  • Unpartitioned layer box.
  • Five Circle Symbol Pieces.
  • Four Cross Symbol Pieces.



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