A classic sleight taught by a master in this incredible step by step DVD!
Phil teaches his inner thoughts...everything covered from:
Classic force - preparation/execution and what you must do after the card is taken...
Classic force behind the back
Touch force
An amazing technique for speed gauging - never disclosed before this dvd
Plus live performance segments of Phil using the classic force at an event...
"One technique on the DVD that I instantly put into use took that hit rate up to 90%! With literally no practice, the first time I used it I saw results, it is soooo clever, I have never seen this technique before.
Phil mixes the teaching with lots of live footage so you can see it actually happening, rather than all in a studio. I was so happy with this DVD, 10 out of 10 because the effect is so useable and strong and Phil teaches it BRILLIANTLY."
"Having seen Paul Green live, and seen Paul Daniels do it behind his back I thought I had seen the best of the best when it came to the classic force, NOT SO! Phil Jay takes the classic force to a new level with never seen before techniques and applications that blew my mind with their simplicity and fiendishness. There is possibly no stronger, commercial, adaptable sleight with cards than the classic force. There is DEFINITELY no better teacher and practitioner of the classic force than Phil Jay." - Daniel Alexander
Phil Jay is one of the World's top close up magicians and has performed at over 5000 functions throughout the UK, Europe, the Middle East and the USA.
"Now I've seen the Classic Force before. I knew there was a big element of chance involved and the crucial need for a substitute effect in case the force doesn't work. Ok, so I was relatively new to the sport, but logic is logic, and it was clear to me about the risks even though I had a lot to learn. How incredibly WRONG could I have been? With the methods taught on this DVD, the Classic Force becomes frighteningly accurate. My ignorance was addressed yet again after thinking there was no way I could achieve the force with such success, and yet here I am now able to successfully force with rapidly increasing regularity. Phil Jay explains the preparation, reasoning, action and execution of the force clearly and concisely; additionally providing an insight in to his own learning process. And if you think the force has been scripted for camera... I've had the personal pleasure/bewilderment of having the same card forced on me by Phil himself, several times in a row, and once from behind his back! If you want to learn, you really won't be disappointed." - Frank E Haschka
Running Time Approximately: 47min
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