This my second e-book of a classic card magic series called - Classic Card Magic II. Included are two videos of a Cool Switch!
Keep up with this series of Classic Card Magic e-books so that you will have a solid base for card magic entertainment!
There are thousands of card tricks out there...but there are only a handful classics of card magic.
The classics are classics because they represent a solid foundation of entertainment and are timeless. Only the patter and modus operandi will change...but the premise is solid and will endure the ravages of time and technology.
These effects use only a regular deck of cards!
In this eBook:
OPEN TRAVELERS: This Larry Jennings classic has been called "The closest you can get to real magic!" by top pros. Paul's easy-to-do rendition will put you FAR ahead of the spectators - with videos!
ULTIMATE OIL & WATER: This multi-stage routine by Ed Marlo is not only very easy to do...but it will even fool the one performing it! The patter is hilarious and the magician doesn't seem to know what's happening! This one will go straight into your repertoire!
COLLINS' POKER ACES: Paul has revamped this effect, bringing it up to date with some new revelations! This is a beautiful routine and ends with a 5-card Poker hand being dealt and your SHILL gets the winning hand! Great fun and interaction with this easy routine!
JAZZ JACKS: Peter Kane rocked the magic world with this timeless classic! It is very easy to do (with some added finesses!) and I guarantee your spectators will be stunned!
SPECTATOR CUTS THE ACES: Marlo's easy-to-do effect is a classic that makes the spectator the hero! Paul has even worked out an alternative method... so you now have TWO amazing tricks!
FAIR PLAY: Paul's self-working rendition of a Frank Garcia effect!
Download the eBook (and videos!) and start learning!
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