Zur Produktinformation


The mentalist places a folded piece of paper in full view of the spectators & claims that it contains a prediction. Next he introduces 6 business cards on the backs of which are written the names of 6 celebrities & hands them over to a spectator to thoroughly shuffle them up & mentally think of one of the names after the performer has been genuinely blindfolded. The spectator is then instructed to again mix these 6 cards & place them with the celebrity name side facing down on the table. After the spectator has carried out these instructions the performer's blindfold is removed & the mentalist puts his index finger on the cards & starts tapping them one by one. At this stage the spectator is requested to spell out mentally the name of the celebrity he/she has just chosen & ask the performer to stop when the spelling has been completed. The spectator does so & he/she is instructed to remove the very card on which he/she had called "stop" & have a look at the name written on it.Amazingly it is the very name which the spectator has just thought of mentally! Now for the first time the piece of paper is unfolded & amazingly the prediction which was in full view throughout proves to be correct. The paper bears the name of the celebrity just thought of! Everything can be instantly examined.

No Confederates or stooges; No Electronics. No Peeking. Is it a real miracle?

Download now & learn the secret to this most baffling effect. PDF format. However video instructions are also included for aid in learning.


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