Boom Deck by Wonder Makers is the most explosive magic trick of 2020, that has taken the internet by storm with over 30 million views in total!
The illusionist gives the viewer an invisible weapon. He shoots at the deck and several cards fly into the air from the explosion of fire exactly on the spectator's signed card.
Bonus effect - the signed viewer's coin will appear inside the glass beaker with a spectacular explosion of sparks that will shock your viewers!
Tricks from the Wonder Makers were used by such famous illusionists as: Dynamo, Patrick Kun, Xavier Mortimer, Chris Ramsay, Ryan tricks, Julius magic.
Hurry up to get your Boom Deck! Create a miracle with us!
Comes with a gimmick deck, remote control, USB charger and video instruction.
360 Degrees View
One of the key features of Boom Deck is the circular display capability. This means that spectators can be positioned in a circle around you, and you don't have to worry about choosing a particular angle.
With this feature, you are free to move and interact with the audience without being limited to one angle.
Remote Control
The Boom Deck is equipped with a remote control that allows you to use the device from up to 40 meters away. This gives you even more options and flexibility during your magic tricks. You can control the cards with the remote control from a far without getting close to the deck. This is especially useful in situations where you need to distance yourself from spectators or use the device in environments where direct interaction with them is limited.
Video Tutorial
The Boom Deck is accompanied by a video tutorial that includes detailed instructions and rules for use. You'll get a complete understanding of how to make the most of your device. In addition, the video will feature two spectacular card and coin routines to get you started and inspire you to create your own tricks.
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