These cards work like a flipbook: riffle them to see the hands shuffling the cards!
The design of these cards is literally a cardistry move. When riffled or dribbled, the cards will reveal this spectacular flipbook effect.
When shuffled, the flipbook effect will be different every time, causing very interesting sequences.
The deck has 54 different backs, making one beautiful sequence out of the box.
All Aces are custom, and the 3,6,9 and the suits all have custom pips.
The Jokers will have our logo without text on it.
About the ad cards:
The first will have a beautiful illustration showing how the deck is meant to be observed.
The second one is the card that is held in our logo.
Printing Details
Printed by USPCC
Edition of 1000
Premium paper, Smooth finish
No reprints
This deck created by Bruno Storm Roelofsen who is a cardist from the Netherlands.
"Cardistry is a very young artform, that can be pushed very far. This is my first push, and there are many more to come. Because what I really see is an infinite way to express, impress and explore a whole universe, and it's all in the palm of our hands."
We chose to customize the 3, 6 and 9. This has a deeper meaning.
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." - Nikola Tesla
You've probably heard that there are more ways to shuffle cards then there are atoms on the planet. That means that every time you shuffle the cards you have new order. Every order creates a new flipbook sequence, that after being perceived, will be never seen again. So don't blink for Blink Playing Cards!
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