Among the precious stones, jade stands out for its veneration in the most ancestral cultures. The etymology of its name in Spanish already highlights its healing properties. Its use in utensils, beads and weapons for thousands of years has made this gem an object of enormous value that also attracts good luck.
All its beneficial and magical properties have inspired the BICYCLE JADE deck, which combines magic and elegance in beautiful and completely customized cards.GAMBLER'S WAREHOUSE is proud to present this new deck made by SHAPESHIFTERS, the masters of blending techniques in 2D and 3D to create something unique.
In a world full of envy and intrigue, four kingdoms fight for the power that the coveted gem will give them. This is the scenario in which the story told by these cards takes place.
The color and details have been wisely combined to create fantastic-inspired illustrations, in which the court cards show characters whose beauty does not detract from the courage they face with their weapons and armor made of metal and gemstones.
Each card has been carefully designed to preserve the essence of the inspiration. Thinking on players and magicians, faces use white backgrounds for an easier identification. However, these backgrounds have been lavishly decorated with very elaborate but subtly presented structures to keep the cleanliness without sacrificing detail and exquisite elegance.
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