Bar Magic Set (Vol 1 thru 3) by Doc Eason - Video Download | Direkt zum Inhalt
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Your front row seat is reserved for this rare, in-depth look at the working repertoire of the master bar magician of our time. Peppered with lines, bar bits and jokes, this "Doc"umentary features guarded, highly commercial secrets which bring celebrities and locals back again and again. Twenty years of non-stop performing at the Tower have turned Doc Eason into a pro at the top of his form. You'll watch these tapes over and over for the sheer joy of seeing how much fun magic can be.

Volume One
His "peeked" card to under the glass-maximum impact method.
Repeated selection of a card-a classic bar trick.
Doc's entire Ambitious Card routine-with great unusual twists & lines.
His amazing version of Triumph-with Doc's commercial story line.
His acclaimed 3-Card Monte routine-a mini-playlet in itself!
Multiple selection of 20 cards-staggering for the lay audience.

Volume Two
Happy Birthday Trick-perfect for every special occasion you might encounter.
Doc's Poker Demo- 15 minutes of pure entertainment (including Scotty York's Fabulous Ace Routine, Allan Hayden's "Expose"
and John Mendoza's "Routined Poker Mental")
Kerry Pollack's "Stan, Kate and Edith"-the perfect bar trick with jumbo cards.
Frank Everhart's Classic Sam the Bellhop-with Doc's twists to the "mother" of all story tricks.
For those dyed-in-the-wool fans: Doc's closely guarded handling tips for Steve Spill's presentation of the
Bill in the Lemon, a cornerstone of Doc's act for more than 15 years . . . now finally released!

Volume Three
All Screwed Up-a hilarious opening trick using hardware!
Impossible Opener-a cornerstone of Doc's act for over 15 years.
The Color-Changing Deck-the stunning version that gets 'em watching!
The Anniversary Waltz-the most commercial card trick ever devised.
Max Maven's "Tearable"-visually stunning and designed to "work."
The Cocktail Napkin Rose-worth the price of the video!
Copper/Silver/Brass Transposition-widely acclaimed as the definitive version.
The crowning piece-J.C. Wagner's Card on the Ceiling, Doc's closer for 20 years.
Larry West's Bill Counting Trick- a long-standing undergound classic.



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