At The Table Live Lecture - Minhyoung Kim September 19th 2018 - Video Download
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Minhyoung Kim seems like he is just absolutely out of his mind. Don't let that fool you! He's had years of experience mastering his craft by competing, doing guest performances at prestigious conventions, going on tours, and performing at many business events. During this At The Table lecture, you'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll learn some magic you never knew you needed. Join us for this one-of-a-kind At The Table experience with Minhyoung Kim. In it, you'll learn:
Treasured Time: A spectator thinks of a specific time that is meaningful to them and the magician guesses the exact time using cards.
Stop Watch: A simple card trick using a stop watch from your phone.
7 Change: Part of Minhyoung Kim's FISM act that he uses to reveal an Ace.
9 Production: Part of Minhyoung Kim's FISM act to find a specific card with a unique production technique.
Erdnase Change (Distant Version): A variation of the original Erdnase change.
In and Out: The chosen card moves to the pocket, then to your hand.
Mystery Juice: After turning a bag upside down, you'll be able to pull out an open glass of juice.
Ring King Finger (Collar Tie): Use a collar tie to tie your thumb and pointer finger together so they cannot move. But nothing is what it seems, as you are able to continuously pass items through your tied fingers.
Sign Steal: The magician steals the "sign" off of the signed card using a single card.
New Cannibal Card: The famous Cannibal Card routine is reinterpreted and newly born.
Sudden Chance: Use 3 chances to find the 2 selected cards.
Download this video and begin learning today!
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