Zur Produktinformation


As a student of iconic magicians Cellini and Gazzo, Ted Brainard has become a legend in his own right. Under the stage name Kozmo, he turned a childhood passion for magic into a professional career. Exuding the perfect combination of wit, humor, charm and amazement, he has become one of the world's most successful street magicians today. All this while launching Kozmo Magic, one of the industry's leading video production companies, and Reel Magic Magazine, a revolutionary and highly influential video magazine that caters to the rapidly changing magic industry. We're proud to have one of the most influential and successful magicians with us At The Table. Kozmo will be teaching a host of effects that he performs from his busking show, as well as discussing how to build and develop your own show with the kind of entertainment and humor that only Kozmo can deliver. If you've ever had big dreams of going from hobbyist to professional, or simply want to expand your knowledge of the art of street magic from a proven master, join us as we sit down with Kozmo for a lecture At The Table. Here's what you'll learn:

Coin to Eye Routine: Kozmo's world famous crowd-building routine. If you're looking for a routine to draw a crowd and keep them wanting more, then look no further.

Coin Matrix: A devilishly simple Coin Matrix that looks as impossible as it is flawless.

Two Card Transpo: A card is sealed within an ordinary jar. The first spectator signs a card and places it in a card box. A second spectator selects a card and loses it in the pack. In an instant, the selected card is now in the box and the signed card is now in the jar.

Coin Transpo: This trick starts off like any normal Coins Across routine, but it ends with a stunning penetration of a coin through the lid of the jar.

Two Coin Trick: A mesmerizing effect that starts with a coin in each hand. One by one, each coin disappears until your hands are completely empty. A deceptively simple yet technically complicated sleight-of-hand technique that Kozmo goes into detail to help you to master.



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