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"Eric Stevens has all the qualities of a new star of magic. Pay attention to his talents; he is going places!"
- Jeff McBride

Eric Stevens
has been mastering his art for nearly two decades. He brings his dry wit and smooth magic to his At The Table lecture. With a wide range of effects-from coins to cards and even a little bit of theory sprinkled in-there is something here for everyone. Eric is also very well known for his version of the classic Hot Rod, and if you've got a gimmick collecting dust, this lecture will make you revisit this staple of magic. Come experience this red-hot lecture, right here, At The Table.

The One-Armed Man: The audience is taught a little something about the classic 3-Card Monte and how to avoid being swindled - all the while being taken for a ride until the surprise ending.

Lazy Bones: Eric's take on the classic Coins Across routine.

Hang 'em High: An interactive coin routine that can be paired with Lazy Bones or done as a separate routine.

Split-Second Marvel: A freely-chosen time on the stopwatch of a spectator's phone allows for the selection of a card that perfectly matches a previously reversed card in a second deck - one that has been set aside since the beginning.

Hot Rod: One of the best Hot Rod routines you will see.

Happenstance: The power of coincidence is explored. The magician not only divines the identity of a freely selected card, but influences the participant to name the card's exact position in a shuffled deck.

Factory Production: A great production of all four Kings.

A Very Dynamic Sandwich: Take any four of a kind and make one of the cards appear inside the Joker sandwich. Takes place in the spectator's hands.

Somewhere Out There: The magician is able to predict several spectators' randomly chosen numbers.

Tribloon: Three Chinese coins are produced in a very magical way, and one suddenly transforms into a half dollar; finishing with a clean vanish of each coin.

Mercury Catch: The spectator selects a card, and the magician is able to snatch the card out of midair as the cards are dribbled to the table.

"Eric displays all the creativity, magical skills, natural charm and theatrical experience necessary to become one of the greatest magicians of his generation."
- Jay Scott Berry

"Eric Stevens has an eye for the details in his magic. He gets me thinking about the way I perform myself and... take my magic to the next level... Eric is a true gent and always a pleasure to watch!"
- Tom Elderfield



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