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In the first phase, the performer asks the participant to shuffle the logs randomly and form four rows of four-digit numbers. In a split second, the performer calculates the sum of these numbers, which, when verified with a calculator, proves to be accurate.

Transitioning to the second phase, the participant shuffles the logs once more, freely moving each wooden log up or down. This creates a layout where numbers of various digits are added together. Despite the seemingly haphazard placement, the performer swiftly calculates the resulting number.

For the third phase, the participant shuffles the logs again, and the performer, in an instant, calculates the sum once more. However, the result appears incorrect. The performer explains that they were calculating the backside. To everyone's surprise, when the logs are flipped, the sum on the backside matches exactly!

This upgraded version is crafted from ebony and adorned with boxwood inlay, providing a superior feel and comfortable handling. Beyond being a collector's item, it serves as a portable tool for engaging mental performances.

You can introduce the logs as tools you carry around to warm up your brain. After several phases of instant calculation effects, you can seamlessly transition into other routines that demonstrate your mental skill.

  • Easy to perform without actual calculations.
  • Crafted with ebony and boxwood inlay for a sophisticated feel.
  • Correct number arrangement allows calculations on the backside.
  • 4 pieces of wooden logs



Shipping within Switzerland and Liechtenstein

All deliveries within Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein take place with the Swiss Post (

We hide as follows:

Economy shipping (2-3 working days)

  • flat rate Fr. 7.50
  • From CHF 45.–
  • From CHF 100.– goods value, free of charge

Priority shipping (1-2 Working days)

  • Flat rate CHF 9.50
  • From CHF 100.–

Additional costs at the request of the customers:

Saturday delivery (CHF 14.50): A shipping option of the Swiss Post can also be chosen for orders that arrive from us before 3:30 p.m. The packages will then also be delivered on Saturday! This service is subject to a fee, even if the value of the goods is above CHF 100.–.

Express moon (Fr. 25.00): We offset a flat rate for Express moon delivery. This includes the costs for delivery with Swissexpress Moon, as well as the additional costs for express preparation. The express costs are always incurred, even for shipments above CHF 100.– value of goods.

Shipping abroad

Deliveries abroad can currentlyNot be made through the online shop. Please contact us using the form or by email. Let us know which products you want and we inform about the total costs including shipping.


Orders in the EU (Germany, Austria, ...) are only possible due to the new EU import regulations from a value of CHF 150.

Shipments abroad only make sense for products that you do not get in your country! We have a partner in Germany for magic articles, here you get almost everything without discount problems!

Collection in the shop

Most products can also be picked up from us in the shop in Zurich. You can order these products for collection via the online shop or come from us during the opening hours over.


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