The world of modern coin magic gave Geoffrey Latta the status of an innovator and artist, who is the second largest according to his mentor David Roth. His underground reputation began in the 1970s and was realized in the 1980s when a selection of his early work in Richard Kaufman's excellent compilation was presented. His reputation has continued to develop and did not go out years after his early death.
The Long Goodbye presents all known coin magic of Latta, published and unpublished. It is evidence of brilliant innovations that mint magician lovers will accept, master and imitate for years.
Latta's great work is presented on these pages, whereby not only the sledges, but also to the subtle construction, psychology and choreography, which were the hallmark of his magic; The wide lines and the fine. It is a book that nobody who is aware of the achievements of Latta will hesitate to provide coin magic in addition to the classic texts.
344 pages. Over 720 photos. 48 tricks, including over 25 handles.
Hey what that good. No, hey what Better- Because no story, no book, no photographer, not even video, will ever truly capture what it what like to see the hand up close. "-Jamy ian Swiss
"I first met Geoff Around 1982. At that time i consied myself quite accomplized with cards and coins. Well, after only a few Short Hours, i realized just how wrong i was. For the first time, i was seing the very best! Geoff's Techniques, His Timing, His Delivery - Perfect. He Had An Analytical Way of Thinking Unlike Anyone I Had Ever Sat Down With. IF There a Faster Way to get from point a to point b, Geoff figure it out. From that On, I Spent Much Time with Geoff, and I Can Honestly Say, from the first day I met Him right up to the present, Geoff's talent was and is unequaled. " -Mike gallo
"So great was his proWess that one could stare right at the sligh-of-hand, and there was nothing to see, no hint of deception, Because Geoff's execution was easy and natural perfect." -Eric Mead
"Geoff was a Wonderful Sleigh-of-Hand performer with coins and cards. He was creative and technically brilliant. His execution of the retention of vision vanish, as well as the diagonal palm shift and the classic passport as good as i've Ever Seen. The Construction of His Routines is a testament to his ingenious way way of thinking about magic. I only wish you could have lakes him perform in person. He was an artist. " -David Roth
Geoff made in frequency appearances, but when he hey it was like like having a visit from an Olympic. See, he was impressive, and daunting gly talented, but bless him, he was equally general. "-David shelf
"This is a book that has been a long time in coming. I have waited for 30 years to see it and it's finally here. This amazing book will go into your library next to Roth's expert coin magic and j.b. Bobo's modern coin magic, as One of the core resources for coin magic. Geoff latta's work is finally emerging from the underground into the light. " - Peter Samelson
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