Many people have a strong need to deal intensively with the unknown, the unfathomable and superior. Magic artists who appear as a thought reader, fortune teller or clairvoyant know about this human being and have always inspired their viewers in front of sold-out houses all over the world.
In this lesson, you will get to know both technically sophisticated and clever mental magic principles based on sixteen tricks. You can demonstrate the tricks as described as described or transfer their trick principle into a different context and create completely new routines. An example of this is the so-called "reusable forecast", another the "one-preliminary principle". Devilishly refined is the trick -technical secret of the cards to “see blind” that none of their viewers will ever decipher, as often as they will show them the feat.
Work is done with pill doses, ropes, notes, tables, banknotes, city names, numbers, playing cards, ESP cards, a cube, special felt writers, a finger ring, a medallion, classifieds and lighter petrol.
They meet world -famous magic artists such as Al Baker, Corvello, Pavel, and Al Koran and learn their mental ideas.
Lesson 84 Mental Magic Miracles
Foreword by Harry Lorayne
In honor of Harman Tarbells by Louis Tannen
The story of the "Tarbell Course in Magic"
Homage on the greatest teacher of Frances Marshall's magic
Lesson 84 Mental Magic Miracles
The telepathic pill boxes
Pavel's prediction rope
Bergson's Non-Center Tear
Spirit transposition
Louis Phillips' calcutta
See Ed Schuman's blind
Ken Beale's triple ESP forecast
Read my thoughts
Ken Krenzel's Never Die - Never Say die
Mento-Pen-The Mental Stift
A viewer reads thoughts
The antique medallion of Glenn Gravatt
Joe White's classified ads predict
Max Lister's easy reading of a message
68 pages, translation - text: Wolf Fisher - Prolog: René Reinholz, Cover photo: Harlan Tarbell
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