In 1785 there was a first description of this effect. In the 1840s the feat was also offered by magic equipment dealers, but it was only really popularTen ichi.
The Japanese magicianTen ichi demonstrated this feat around 1900 and thus caused quite a stir and especially among the magicians themselves, who puzzled for a long time, according to which method this bondage works.
The artist's two thumb are firmly connected to two cords. A ring is thrown at him, and although his thumbs are tied up, the ring is in a flash on his arm. A moment later he falls to the ground. The tied hands penetrate a wooden stick or the arm of a viewer, which is completely inexplicable, because the bondage can be checked at any time. Ten ichis ingenious secret was first revealed in the Tarbell Course in Magic of the experts.
In addition toHarlan Tarbells The readers of the German edition receive additional bonus material with the description of other methods and routines.
Lesson 53 The thumb bondage
The thumb bondage
Ten ichi Thumb bondage
Modernized version of theTen ichi Thumb bondage
Tip-Top thumb bondage
The thumb bondage afterFrank Ducot
The thumb bondage afterJack Miller
Tarbells Simple thumb bondage
Tarbells "Li ling" thumb bondage
Tarbells Betting with a tape
Tarbells Chinese thumb bondage
Mel Forresters Thumb bondage with rubber bands
Annex 1:Wittus Witt The thumb bondage
Appendix 2:Deleporte’s Perfect Thumb Tie
44 pages, German, translation from English:Dietrich Keller, Cover photo:Danny Daniels
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