In fast jedem Zauberkasten auf der Welt ist das berühmte Ball- und Vasen-Gimmick enthalten. Aber wenn du das auf der Straße zeigst, wirst du ausgelacht.
Dieses neue Gimmick nimmt diese kugelsichere Methode und wendet sie auf etwas an, das wir alle schon gesehen und benutzt haben... "Airpods".
Es könnte nicht einfacher sein. Zeig, dass sie drin sind. Schließe sie.
Lass deinen Zuschauer sie öffnen. Sie sind weg. Verschwunden... Der Koffer ist leer.
Geschicklichkeitsstufe = Null. Es kann nicht scheitern.
Von Brad Christian... "Every kid has a Ball and Vase. Some of us still do.
I did it for my 1st-grade class when I was 6 for "show and tell" and killed with it. They mobbed me after the show and found out how I did it but that's another story lol.
The principle behind the ball and vase is one of the most effective in the art of illusion and is still used in stage shows every day.
The problem with the effect is the following. A "highly suspect" bright red plastic "vehicle" to hold the bright blue plastic ball that then disappears. As such, it's a kid's trick and nothing more.
Let's face it, there's nothing natural about the old version and it STILL amazed everyone I did it for. What IS natural is a pair of Airpods that almost everyone uses daily. No one suspects the item and it flies under the radar 100% of the time.
And so we created the effect with plain white headphones. As natural as it gets and as GOOD as it gets. Self-working, brilliant for Zoom shows, and more brilliant performed in person.
Taught on video by both Eric Jones and Ryan Tricks (included), both of whom won't leave home without it, the effect is a bonafide winner and can be woven into any routine for lightning reactions. Get it." - Brad
Credit: Original idea by Lloyd Barnes for Ellusionist in early 2020.
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