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Reverse Logic is an incredible, easy-to-do showstopper from Joshua Jay that revolutionizes how a card trick can be presented. This one-of-a-kind routine is done in reverse, leaving every audience stunned along the way.

Josh has used Reverse Logic in nearly every show since he first created it in 2010. This masterful routine has been refined to perfection over 1,000s of performances and the fact Josh still actively uses it has been one of the biggest reasons he's long been hesitant to release it. But now, after years of requests, Joshua Jay and Vanishing Inc. are finally making Reverse Logic available as a complete set (with props included) for the first time ever.

This interactive routine features a one-of-a-kind premise that instantly commands attention from any audience. You'll perform multiple moments of amazing magic in rapid succession before stunning them with a kicker that will have their jaws on the floor.

And the best part? You do it all without any difficult sleight of hand. The props take care of most of the work for you. You can start learning and performing Reverse Logic right away.

Multiple Hard-Hitting Magic Moments

This time-travel-themed card trick starts at the end with your audience giving you a round of applause as if you just finished the routine. You then work backwards from here.

First, you remove your watch, cover it with a handkerchief and leave it inside a clear glass that stays in full view the whole time. Next, a deck is shown to be in new deck order before you take out a card without showing anyone. You claim that this is their selected card, which is a tad awkward because nobody has chosen one yet. So, to round out this backwards card trick, you then have your participant do the one thing that usually starts a card trick: select a card.

They shuffle the deck and now the real fun begins as it's time to take your audience back in time.

The participant looks through the cards and discovers that the one they just selected is no longer there. They just saw it with their own eyes, but now it's nowhere to be found. This card hasn't vanished though, it has actually gone back in time. You turn over the face-down card from before which has been isolated on the table the whole time and reveal it's their selected card.

All attention is then brought to your wrist where your watch has impossibly reappeared. The handkerchief is unraveled to show that it really has teleported from inside the glass.

As a final kicker, the deck they just shuffled is instantly put back into new deck order in a visual way that will make their eyes pop out of their head.

You're once again left in an applause position. Except, this time, the deafening clapping that fills the room is well deserved.

Custom Props and Cards Included

When Josh created Reverse Logic, his initial goal was to design a unique and powerful card trick unlike anything he'd ever seen. He had the premise in mind and was willing to achieve it by any means necessary. Lucky for him and you, the method ended up being quite easy.

You'll receive a variety of high-quality props that have been carefully designed and sourced to make the routine a breeze to perform. You don't have to worry about mastering any complex sleight of hand. Instead, you can focus all your energy into being present and creating an unforgettable experience for your audience.

Reverse Logic is a unicorn. It not only thrives in formal close-up environments but is a rare card trick that also plays huge for parlor and stage shows too. The whole routine has been carefully constructed to ensure it has a premise that is easy to follow and is also filled with visual magic moments that can be appreciated by audiences of any size.

Get Reverse Logic by Joshua Jay and add a surefire stunner to your show today!

Please Note: All props are included except for a wine glass. Any wine glass large enough to hold the deck of cards should work well.



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