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Laden offen für Halloween

Laden offen für Halloween

Endlich ist unser Laden wieder offen für Halloween! Du findest bei uns fast alles, was du für dein Halloween-Outfit benötigst. Wir haben 

Es lohnt sich, in unseren Onlineshop zu schauen, und auch im laden vorbeizukommen. Bis am 13. Oktober 2024 haben wir 20% auf diverse Halloweenkostüme und Halloweenmasken! Es lohnt sich, vorauszuplanen!

Wir freuen uns auf deinen Besuch im

Clownnasen von ProKnows

ProKnows clown noses

We are proud of The first -class clown noses of Pro know To be able to offer. These clown noses have been accompanying professional clowns, but also amateurs, for decades. They are manufactured by Linda McBryde, who herself was traveling as an artist and knows what to look for with good clown noses.

Different clown nose sizes

the ProKnows clown noses There are in different shapes and sizes. Of the Nasal tip, up to the completely covering nose. From round shapes to elongated noses to rectangular clown noses. The qualitatively well -made noses are very robust and also comfortable with the foam layer inside.

Simply fasten the clown noses

We recommend a double -sided Skin tape To attach the clown noses. Alternatively, too Prose can be used, which is both gently for the noses and the skin and yet sticks reliably. However, if you prefer to get your nose quickly, you can also use that Cord Attach your nose around the head without glue.

Order ProKnows clown noses

You will receive the PROKNOW professional clown noses in Switzerland Order online or come by in the shop.

Glitter-Tattoo Sets von Grimas

Glitter tattoo sets from Grimas

Glitter tattoos have been popular for years and a bestseller in our range. The new Glitter sets from Grimas are also joining the Ybody products.

See all Grimas Tattoo sets here

Grimas is known for children's and face makeup. With the plastic -free glitter, a product is now in the range that we would like to introduce to you. Four sets are currently available, more follows!

The tattoos can be easily applied. Place the self -adhesive template on the skin, then paint all free motif parts with the skin adhesive. Pull off the stencils and get loose glitter onto the adhesive surface of the motif on the skin. Brush excess glitter and the motif gloss and glitter in the colors you want.

To ask? Then you will find a short guide in image and text here:

 Glitter tattoo guide

Pixie Paints - Die Glitterfarben für schillernde Momente

Pixie Paints - The glitter colors for dazzling moments

Pixie paints are colorful glitter

the Chunky glitter From Pixie Paints are great! Strong glitter that enables dazzling results on every face or body. Give your makeup additional shine with the Pixie paints.

Many different colored pixie paints

The glitter are available in different colors with great names like Xanadu, Abracadabra, Absinthe, Pretty in Pink, Valley Girl And others more. The practical jars with 28 grams are enough for many creations. All glitter are placed in a gel. This serves as an adhesive, but it can be washed off easily and quickly with water and soap.

Order Pixie Paints online

Visit the Online shop and order your Pixie Paints, or have a look at us in the shop in Zurich.