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Stone Cold Mental Volume III

Sei dabei, wenn Jeff Stone seine persönliche Sammlung von Mentalismus-Effekten und -Routinen aus den letzten anderthalb Jahrzehnten teilt. In Band drei findest du eine Vielzahl von Routinen, darunter Effekte mit ESP-Karten, Tarot-Karten und Themen rund um Schicksal, Träume, Promi-Schwärmerei, Jellybeans (ja, Jellybeans!) und vieles mehr.

Außerdem erhältst du vollen Zugang zu einer Web-App, mit der du deine eigene Zwangsmatrix erstellen kannst, sowie einen Anagramm-Generator und ein paar andere Goodies, darunter Ausdrucke einer der Requisiten, die du brauchst. Begleite ihn auf dem Weg, deinen Mentalismus  zu verbessern. Denn warum sollte man langweilig sein, wenn man steinkalt mental sein kann!

In englischer Sprache!

A Face off at the Cafe
A weird venture into the land of the magician's dream where the spectator's decide what your dream was about, and they're right, and you have undeniable proof!

Into the Void
Somehow the spectator makes four completely free choices, yet without using multiple outs, or equivoque, the mental meddler has predicted the exact outcome. The spectators, themselves, can reveal the prediction without the mentalist intervening at all. Did I mention that all the choices are free?

A random number is chosen (free choice). Then a couple of spectators decide on random mathematical operations to make on the number, yet the brain-buster has 100% correctly predicted the outcome, and in an unexpected twist, the final number predicted turns out to be the spectator's last four digits of her phone number!

The Accountant
The classic "guess how many jellybeans are in the jar" game is the centerpiece of this effect as 5 spectators decide together how many jellybeans are in a jar. There is no force, and there is no mathematical manipulation of the numbers, yet they always 100% guess the correct number of jellybeans.

Someone Else's Fate
Two spectators who know, love, and trust each other are asked to help decide the other's fate. Along for the ride the magician gives a brief Tarot reading and knows exactly what fate was chosen.

Tarot-able Teens
This is a weird one. It's a prediction of three Tarot cards that can be just a fun silly routine about parents raising teenagers or it can be a super serious routine that can give a parent a new outlook on life.

Celebrity Crush
The magician helps a husband and wife couple find out which celebrities have a crush on them. The spectators shuffle a stack of celebrities, and while the magician's back is turned pick an unknown celebrity, yet the magician was able to predict which two would be chosen for each other.

Blank Nightarot
This is a handling and extra twist to the so called "Bank Night" (Actually Tom Seller's It's Only Chance effect from the 1930's) plot, with something extra that ties the entire show together, and with an ending the is completely the opposite of almost every "Bank Night" routine.

Elastic Sensory Perception
The magician demonstrates his rubber band artistry by reshaping three rubber bands into various ESP shapes chosen by the spectator with a kicker ending where the rubber bands permanently maintain their new shape, and the spectator can keep the newly shaped rubber band.

Extra Squares Perception
The spectator chooses an ESP card (a circle, for example). Then a prediction is read out loud. "You will not choose the square." Of course, the spectator laughs (because although silly, the prediction is accurate - the spectator chose the circle, i.e., not a square). Then, as a kicker, the rest of the cards are shown. They are all squares. The spectator chose the only card that is not a square.


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