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#6 In the Psychic Sight Series

Imagine revealing two FREELY thought-of words from across the room using an ungimmicked dictionary. Imagine doing this 15 feet away and never touching the dictionary during the presentation. Devin Knight's Word Sight allows you to reveal two words, sight unseen, that are freely chosen from word lists containing hundreds of words. There are no duplicate words in the lists. No special dictionary or certain edition is required. The four-page 'restickable' word lists can be placed inside the covers of any dictionary, even a borrowed one.

Each of two spectators thinks of a word on the lists, looks up the meaning, and concentrates on the word. You pick up a notepad and, without saying anything, you write two words, tear off the paper, and place it face down on the table so the words cannot be seen. You never touch the paper again. The participants reveal the words they are thinking of, one of them picks up the paper, and there written in bold letters are the same two words!

This can also be done using only one participant who thinks of two words and you reveal them both without asking any questions.

There are no forces, limitations, dual reality, or pre-show work of any kind. The spectators have free choices of hundreds of words! There are NO VERBAL clues; you use only your eyes. The participants NEVER write anything. The spectators tell you nothing!

Nothing is used but the dictionary with the word lists pasted to the inside covers, and a notepad for writing the two thought-of words. The thought-of words can be revealed even if the borrowed dictionary is a cheap one that does not have the words in it. Read that again; even if the words are NOT IN THE DICTIONARY for the person to look up, you can still correctly reveal the words.
  • No secret writing of any kind
  • No anagrams
  • No fishing of any kind
  • No Gimmicks
This effect can be adapted to work with any dictionary in ANY LANGUAGE. The directions give full details on how to use a dictionary from your own country that is not in English.

Comes with the needed 'restickable' Enrich Your Word Power lists that can be stuck to the inside covers of any dictionary. Complete with full directions, performance script, and information on how to adapt the effect to any language using any dictionary from any country.

"This is, by far, the best dictionary book test I have ever come across and one heck of a bargain!"
- Jheff

"The price is ridiculously low. If you are looking for a dictionary test that is easy to do, defies explanation and that spectators will perceive as 'the real deal,' you would be hard-pressed to beat Word Sight."
- Dick Christian

"To say the concepts behind this are brilliant is an understatement! When it comes to creating effects with deceptive methods that are both a delight to learn and to put at work... Devin is the man."
- Paolo Cavalli


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