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Virtual numbers is one of the most valuable marketing secrets you can learn to promote your act. If you are willing to travel 50 to 100 miles or more outside of your area to do a show, then this is a surefire way to get more gigs. The cool thing is that you can do this for around $10 a month!

Virtual numbers allow you to create a LOCAL PRESENCE in any surrounding town or state. Statistics show that people normally only want to hire someone local and will not call numbers in other area codes.

If you have been advertising in other towns and not getting response, then virtual numbers may be the solution. Devin Knight is a master in the use of virtual numbers and since implementing them, he increased the amount of his out of town gigs 30% in one year!

The bottom line is that virtual numbers work and will increase the number of gigs you get. This is the only magic marketing book written specifically on the use of Virtual Numbers. Devin shows you step-by-step how to get virtual numbers for less than $10 a month and use them to increase your out of town gigs.

Complete details are given on how to create a local presence in any town, even if it is a thousand miles away.

If you have relatives or friends in other states you like to visit, then Devin will show you inside secrets on how to get regular bookings in that area so you can visit family and friends more and get paid for going there! Although Devin lives in the Northeast, he regularly books shows in Florida during the winter using virtual numbers and you can too.

Devin also shows you mistakes not to make that can kill the illusion of a local presence.

Are you doing a fundraising show in another state? Devin teaches you how to have a virtual office and number to take orders for tickets. You are in complete control of the sales, even though you are hundreds of miles away. People think they are calling the local group.

This by far the most complete book ever written on the subject of virtual numbers. Devin shows you how to use them on websites, business cards and advertising to create a local presence anywhere you want. Creating a local presence will get you more gigs than you currently have.

The ebook also explains why 800 numbers intimated most people wanting to hire an entertainer and why you should not be using them if you want to book shows. Virtual numbers are cheaper and more effective.

There is also a bonus section on how to use virtual numbers to improve the quality of your life. This information alone is worth the price of the ebook.

  • Learn how to stop almost all sales calls
  • How to keep credit card companies from calling you
  • How to stop annoying people from calling you
  • How to keep bad clients from calling you again for another show
  • An effective way to stop kids who call your number and waste your time
  • Learn how to eliminate political calls, this really works

All this information is 100% legal and actually works through the clever use of virtual numbers. Most entertainers are not aware of virtual numbers and how they can enhance your career.

You can live in the sticks, but still have a local presence in New York City and LA and appear to be a big agency, even though you are working out of your bedroom! Again, you can do this for about $10 a month.

Join the elite performers who are using virtual numbers to increase their bookings. All you have to do is be willing to travel to do gigs and you can book gigs anywhere.

This information works ANYWHERE in the world. Want to do shows overseas. You can have a local number in London for just a few dollars a month. Just make sure your fees are high enough to fly to London.

This is information being used by top talent agencies and performers. Now you can learn their secrets.

NOTE: You do not have to buy any special equipment or have the phone company install additional lines. To use the techniques in this ebook, all you need is your regular phone, be it a cell phone or land-line. You could have a dozen virtual numbers in cities surrounding you and they will all ring to your one telephone. You will know instantly from which city the person is calling. Any time you return a call to one of these people, your number will show as the number they called on their caller ID. Your real location and telephone number are never revealed to the clients. As far as they are concerned, you are calling them from the same area they live in.


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