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A FISM-winners lifetime of work compiled into one unbelievable book from Vanishing Inc.
Jean-Pierre Vallarino is one of the most talented magicians to ever live. Throughout his decades-long career, he has continually created some of the most poetic and entertaining magic our community has ever seen. Yet, some magicians may not instantly recognize his name because there has never been a true compilation of his greatest works. That all changes now!
Vanishing Inc. has partnered with one of magic's most respected writers, John Lovick, to help cement the legacy of this legendary magician with Vallarino - a lavish, gorgeous, oversized, hardback book featuring 320 pages of truly remarkable close-up magic.
Rarely has one book contained such a strong and vast collection of practical and powerful material. No stone was left unturned. This includes, for the first time, Vallarino sharing the innermost secrets to his award-winning FISM act.
In total, you'll enjoy more than 60 routines that have been performed for audiences around the world. He shares his most extensive work on classic plots from Sandwich Routines to Collector's, Ace Assemblies, and everything in between. From card magic to coin magic, there is something for everyone in Vallarino.
There are also 25 original sleights featured in Vallarino. From the proper handling for his Rumba Count to unique and practical palming techniques, a comprehensive look at his legendary tabled shuffle work, and more, this is a real treat for anyone who loves innovative sleight-of-hand moves.
With Vallarino, Vanishing Inc. continues to further the gold standard for magic books. This is their most extravagantly-photographed book ever, featuring more than 2,000 photographs expertly taken by Sophie Duval to accompany the crystal-clear descriptions from John Lovick.
Vallarino offers more visual, amazing, and practical close up magic in one book than ever seen before. It will keep you occupied for years to come and is a book you'll find yourself referencing often.
Foreword (Jean-Pierre Vallarino)
Introduction (Carlos Vaquera)
Sleights, The Vallarino Way
Rumba Count
Hypnotic Rumba Count
Elmsley Count Variations
Vallarino's Count
Ping Pong
Optical Center Steal
Revolutionary Control
Staircase Multiple Shift
Four-Card Add-On
Vallarino's L.M.
False Spread-Shuffle
The Vallarino Force
Jump Change
Italian Palm
Cascade Four-Card Control and Palm
Ribbon Spread Palm
Top Palm
Bottom-Palm Subtleties
Lateral Bottom Steal
Quick Palm and Perhaps a Switch
Come Back
Three Color Changes
Vallarino's Strip-Out
Vallarino's Strip-Up
J.P. Spread Pass
Ace Assemblies
Ultimate MacDonald's Aces
Vallarino's Leader Aces
Neutrino Aces
Four Jacks Squared
Progressive Aces
Believe It or Not
Sandwich Tricks
Falling Sandwich
Flying Sandwich
Automatic Sandwich
Sandwich Retention
Transpo Sandwich
Triple Sandwich
Packet Transpositions
Fast Four Transpo
Jump Transpo
Wall Aces
Left or Right
Spectator Cuts to the Aces
Spectator Cuts to the Aces 1
Spectator Cuts to the Aces 2
The Thinking Card
Ace Productions
Crossed Arms
Flower Ace Production
Slide Jumping Ace Production
Iris Ace Production
Wrist Production
Flying Production
Reality or Fiction
Four Cuts, Four Aces
Triumph Variations
Aces Triumph
A Royal Triumph
Color Shuffle
Mystery Card Routines
Dream Wonder
Collectors Routines
Fast Collectors
Miscellaneous Card Tricks
Ultimate Wild Card
English Poker
Card or Money
Cost $4
Magic Wallet
Vallarino's Ambitious Card
Visual Lift
Surprise Double Inversion
Vallarino's Pocket
Pocket Transpo
Vallarino's Everywhere and Nowhere
In Memory of Geoff Latta
Triple Travel
New Traveling Aces
Coin Magic
Diagonal Coin Assembly
Reverse Coin Assembly
J.P. Coin Assembly
Blow Coin Assembly
Rub Plus
320 pages - Hardback - 8.5in x 11in
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