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With Proteus, Phedon demonstrated the place propless methods hold in the way he views mentalism. With his new release, Sibyl, he now throws in what he calls the "Alpha and the Omega": Connecting with your sitter at a level never reached before.

Imagine touching someone's soul, using nothing but your words. Anytime. Anywhere. Knowing things about them, sensing their very feelings. Sibyl redefines "emotional mentalism" and will open a new dimension in the way you interact with your spectator.

You will learn Phedon's unique ways to tap into someone's emotions and his original methods for revealing and answering a sitter's questions and concerns. With De Profundis and S.C.R.E.W.E.D., Phedon gives away two of his most cherished routines which will get you as close to being "real" as you have ever been. Both propless and relying on a mechanical method, they are impromptu and surefire.

With Caffeine-Free, you will be able to tell a complete stranger things about her personality, her past, her present and her future-with nothing but a sheet of paper-in an engaging, mysterious, conversational style. Even the pen is optional!

With Delphi, Phedon shares his way to reveal not only a name, but also facts and personality traits of a thought-of person that no one could have known. So much so that the revelation of the name is just the cherry on top.

Hermes will allow a friend of yours to become a psychic over the phone, making hit after hit before, if you want, revealing the name of the person your spectator is thinking of. This is absolutely surefire-as long as your friend picks up the phone.

Along with these routines come the techniques and subtleties that make them so unique and so potent. For the first time, Phedon shares his concept of PRISM, which will literally set you free if readings are scaring you. He goes into all the details explaining his journeys, which turn a reveal into a novel, mysterious, magical and unforgettable experience, touching your sitter's very soul.

Subtleties such as the Blank Piece Disconnect and Wait-a-Second, techniques such as Under-the-Radar and his personal handling of the Acidus Novus peek will make their way straight into your arsenal, as they already have for other professional performers who have been introduced to this material.

No stone has been left unturned; every move, action and process is justified, and host Titanas has made sure everything is thoroughly explained.


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