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The transparent playing cards that we have developed here are designed and manufactured by MPC. The artwork used on the card fronts uses the standard MPC branded card front and the back of the card uses a beautiful, more complex vector artwork pattern to cleverly cover the same areas as the card indices and pips on the front so other players will not be able to see through and distinguish what cards you are holding easily. This was part 1 of the challenge. The 2nd part was to make a deck that wasn't the same as other transparent decks out on the market where they usually do not handle well and stick together. This deck handles beautifully, made possible through the use of MPC's specially developed card finishing.

We have 2 versions here, the Red version and the Black version where the colors are used on the card back pattern. There are 55 cards in the deck, Ace to King including 2 Jokers and 1 extra card that is completely transparent.

Plastic Transparent

These cards are made from premium quality plastic transparent card stock ensuring years of use. The surface of the cards are slightly blurred which helps them to hide the artwork on the other side whilst keeping the transparency aspect.


This deck of cards are perfect to taking on holiday, playing by the poolside or at the beach because they are premium grade plastic material hence waterproof. Great for taking out to the pub to meet and play card games with friends. Don't worry if they get wet or dirty. Leave them out to dry or simply wipe them dry with a soft cloth and they're ready for play time after time.

Please note that as the cards are plastic, any water can be wiped off them. We don't recommend actually playing them inside the water especially sea water as it could affect the quality of the print.

Playability and handling

This was the major challenge as even though there are transparent playing cards out on the market, they always do not handle well. The transparent deck here is made from premium plastic card stock which with the perfect flexibility for bending as needed. They're not too stiff nor are they too flimsy. They contain a good natural snap to them and just feels good in your hands. Cut with precision and with a razor sharp, high density industrial card cutter, these cards can be used just like an ordinary paper deck of cards. Cut the cards, faro the cards as you wish.

The cards also do not clump up as do other plastic transparent playing cards. They fan beautifully and glide between each other with the right amount of friction needed. Not too slippery and definitely not clumpy.

Tuck box

While we could've put this beautiful transparent deck of cards into a standard paper tuck box, that would've been boring. So we opted to create a tuck box out of the same transparent plastic so the whole deck is complete. Feel free to dump it into the pool, drop it into your drink or down the toilet. Give them a wipe and they're good to go once again.


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