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Four years have passed since I released the original Pieces at 3am. The book that came to be one of my best selling collections and the single publication that spawned most variations by other artists of my original thoughts and ideas.

I've had the thought of doing a second volume for years, but I've never had the correct collection of effects and concepts that I felt could adhere to the original thought. All of the effects in the original book were ideas that came to me as I woke in a cold sweat at night. They were pieces that entered my conscious mind after dark, usually at around 3 am.

Now, I offer you the second volume. Four years of subconscious thought and a notebook by my bed. Four years of sifting through after-dark material that just wasn't impactful enough, or wasn't practical enough for me to use in my gigs.

Four Years. Four New Effects.

In P@3AM:2 you will learn:
  • iSO:
A completely isolated coin bend. When I launched the isolation experiment video a few years back, I wanted to be able to create the same kind of effect in a walk around environment. With iSO, you will genuinely borrow a coin, genuinely drop their coin into a borrowed bottle - They can see that the coin is still straight through the plastic or glass wall. You ask them to keep their eyes on the coin as you begin to swing the coin slowly around inside. As you continue, the coin starts to blur, as if it's matter is shifting. You then stop. The coin is now bent.

They can still see right through the bottle, they can still see that it's the only coin in there and their minds are completely blown. You then hand them the bottle, with the coin still inside and walk away.
  • inDeck: A brilliant billet index that can be built into a deck of cards, or a stack of index cards, depending on your preference. Very easy to use, very easy to expand.
  • Currency: This is a real show piece and is of closer potential for a close up or parlour show.
You lay your wallet on the table explaining that you have a prediction in the billfold.

You take out a set of 20 or so business cards on which you have written denominations of bank notes of whatever currency is normal in your country in a random order. Here in the uk, I write £5, £10, £20, £50 repeated across the cards.

A spectator deals through the card in their hands and stops on whichever denomination he or she wishes. You hand another spectator a small pocket book in which you have hundreds of random serial numbers written. They select a serial number - there are no duplicates in the book.

You open your wallet to show that there is one bank note in the billfold. A spectator is asked to take it out. It's of the correct denomination and the serial number matches!
  • After-Dark: A direct, organic, mentalism routine. Two coins are brought out, or borrowed. You explain that you are going to place your hands behind your back and bring one of the coins out in a fist. The spectator is going to play mind reader and guess which coin you have in your hand.
You do this a couple of times, each time the spectator guesses correctly. You then hand them the two coins and ask them to do the same. You then guess the coin their holding in their fist correctly too!

A very easy combination of methods makes this a real worker, you start clean, end clean and you're instantly reset to move on to your next group.

Pages: 14 - 8.5" x 11" - PDF format


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