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Mental Mysteries by Dibya Guha is a collection containing 2 impressive.

The effects are as follows:

The performer shows a pile of 8 cards comprising of a few ESP symbols. He also introduces a Prediction card & places it face down on the table. Next the magician instructs the spectator to cut the pile as often as he wishes. Next the performer transfers cards one at a time from the top to the bottom of the pile & instructs the spectator to call "Stop" whenever he wishes. When the spectator calls "STOP" the performer spells E-S-P at the same time dealing the next 3 cards one at a time on the table. He asks the spectator to take any one of these 3 cards & place it aside face down. Now the performer turns over the top card of his pile in his hand & shows the ESP symbol drawn on it. The spectator is next instructed to turn his selected card face up & sure enough it bears the same symbol as that of the card on top of the performer's pile. The prediction card is now handed over to the spectator & amazingly it shows the same symbol which the spectator had just selected!

Performer shows a few business cards on which are written names of various countries, one country name on each card. Next, he introduces a small envelope containing a Prediction. The business cards are shuffled & the spectator is asked to deal the cards into 2 face down piles on the table. The spectator is then instructed to select any one of the 2 piles & take a look at the top card of the pile. The Prediction envelope is now opened & from inside it the performer introduces a few cards. The cards are spread face up on the table & are found to contain letters, one on each card, which spell out the name of the country freely selected by the volunteer!No Forces involved.Spectator may choose top card of any one of the 2 face down piles of visiting cards.

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