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About The Book:

How to Read Minds is the most complete and up-to-date book of mentalism that you will ever read, from the most basic techniques to the most extraordinary methods for guessing and revealing what anyone is thinking, it is the definitive guide for anyone who wants to become the best version of themselves when it comes to being a mentalist.

Imagine looking into the eyes of your spectators and telling them exactly what they are thinking, describing in detail numbers, letters, passwords, and even people thought by them, surely this is the kind of thing in which people will swear that you have some kind of special gift, this being your newest ability when you purchase this book.

Material divided into 3 different acts:

  • Influence Over the Human Mind
  • Insane Techniques For Revealing What Your Spectator Is Thinking
  • Information Deployment
  • Influencing Thoughts & Actions
  • Perspective And Reality Control
  • Mental Implantation As A Prediction System
  • Creating Deep Connections For Mind Readings
  • How To Guess Thought Cards
  • Guessing Results From Randomly Added Dates
  • Psychology Behind MentalismTo Guess Anything Thought by Your Spectator
  • Secret Techniques For Reading Anyone's Mind
  • The 2 Fundamental Mentalism Structures For Reading Minds
  • Making The Divinations Methods Completely Invisible To Your Audience
  • The 3 Mentalism Courses to Boost Your Career
  • Powerful Concepts For Turning Simple Tricks Into Real Miracles
  • Using Emotions and Getting 10x More Impactful Reactions
  • The Forgetting Principle To Read Minds As Directly As Possible
  • Using Observation to Make Incredible Predictions
  • Expanding Your Knowledge Into Infinite Possibilities
  • How To Be Always One Step Ahead of Your Audience
  • Guessing What Everyone In The Room Is Thinking At The Same Time
  • Amazing Prediction With 3 Different Objects Chosen By Your Spectator
  • Insane Techniques To Predict Absolutely Anything
All this plus the special techniques I've prepared for you in this book.

Forget all the complicated methods you have seen out there, through a simple step by step sequence you will learn the concepts behind mentalism in its purest and cleanest form thus being able to read anyone's mind in the craziest way possible, perfect for those who have never studied mentalism or for those who already have experience in the field.

Through personal stories, conversations and ideas I show you in practice the infinite possibilities that is possible through mentalism, I am sure that a good part of them you would not even think to be possible, travel with me on this journey where the sky is not even close to the limit.


In addition to immediate access to the book How To Read Minds you Will receive extra materials for your best learning, extra lessons, demo videos, download links, PDF's and more..

Unlike any other mentalism book this content go through weekly updates and in this especial bonus you will have access to this updates without paying an extra penny for it.

In this bonus I reveal for the first time one of the most powerful techniques that exist in mentalism, I can say that the content inside here transcend the limits of what your spectator really thought was possible, once you master this technique people will swear you have a super power, literally!

All of this besides:
  • Exclusive membership area section
  • Private mentalist group on telegram
This way you can chat with other members, discuss ideas about the thoughts effects, share personal stories among others endless possibilities that will add you even more knowledge, not to mention exclusive discounts for new members.


Download now!


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