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"Reynold is a hidden gem from Puerto Rico whose lecture has a little something for everyone. Plus, everything he shares (Close-Up to Stand-Up) is thoroughly audience-tested from his professional repertoire!"
- Gregory Wilson

"Reynold's lecture is full of inspiring ideas and practical details from a true professional that thinks about his show, the kind of things you rarely find in books."
- Rafael Benatar

"I just attended Reynold Alexander's lecture at the Magic Castle. Great advice from a real-world worker! Lots of practical methods and routines that really made sense. Reynold speaks from his heart and his experience."
- Paul Green, (Magic Castle Board of Trustees)

Known for vanishing Puerto Rico's Capitol Building and the current world record holder for fastest straitjacket escape, Reynold Alexander joins us At The Table for a lecture like no other. This lecture includes some original effects, but dives heavily into variations of timeless classics. Reynold proves that by tweaking effects slightly, you can achieve far more convincing effects and evoke stronger reactions from your spectators. Here's what you'll learn:

Surprise Shoe Production: Reynold's parlor and stage opener. He uses a mirror to miraculously duplicate a shoe on stage.

The Finger: A hilarious heckler stopper routine. Give that unwanted spectator the finger, without giving them the finger.

Rip it Variation: A variation on Jack Chanin's Rip It. The magician rips a piece off a dollar and shows it to the spectator. He then places the torn piece back onto the dollar and restores the dollar. Best of all, this is completely impromptu.

Pencil Sharpener: Reynold takes a dull pencil and squeezes it in the palm of his empty hands. He turns the pencil a few times and removes it completely sharpened. An incredibly simple, yet powerful effect.

Sharpie Color Force: An ingenious and very convincing way to force a sharpie color that can easily be incorporated into predictions or mentalism effects.

Invisible Palm Aces Variation: Reynold's variation on Paul Harris's Invisible Palm Aces. One at a time, Reynold palms an invisible card from his hand to the table. If you loved performing the original, you'll love performing this version.

Business Card Production: Reynold shares a powerful idea to produce a business card in the guise of a routine.

Reynold's Card's Across: Reynold's version of the classic trick. He adds a number of new touches that greatly strengthen the effect.

Reynold's Ambitious Card: This version begins as your standard Ambitious Card, but has a kicker ending where the magician staggers blocks of cards, and the selected card rises to the top of each stagger.

Spread Force: A natural and very convincing way of forcing a card. It's a real magician fooler.

Half Moon Rising: A selected card rises out of a card box. No thread used in this version.

Invisible Deck Variation: Reynold gives us a reason to dust off that old gimmick deck. He sharpens this classic to make it feel more surprising and impossible to the spectator.

Reynold's Twisting the Aces: This version includes a haunting move where an Ace twists out of the packet on its own, as if possessed. To top it off, he even includes a triumphant finale where he places the Aces face down in a deck -- the spectator twists the entire deck in their hands, and now all 4 Aces have turned face up.

Lie Detector: Reynold begins by showing 52 cards in 52 envelopes and explains that spectators always accuse him of marking cards. Enclosing each card ensures that cards cannot be marked. The spectator randomly and freely chooses an envelope, and opens it. The magician is now able to divine the spectator's chosen card simply by asking a series of questions.


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  • Taux forfaitaire Fr. 7.50
  • De CHF 45.–
  • De CHF 100.– Valeur des marchandises, gratuitement

Expédition prioritaire (1-2 Jours de travail)

  • Tarif plat CHF 9.50
  • De CHF 100.–

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