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Although Andrew's first book was an underground success story he was not finished. Presenting his second book. This offering contains a collection of enhancements and refinements on existing plots and themes but with a perspective that is truly Andrew Woo. Enjoy his original thinking through various methodologies applied to the Art of Magic.

A La Carte Andrew Woo, a Toronto magician, is a seasoned performer who was featured in The Linking Rings, in a "One-Man Parade" in 2013. Currently he is a monthly columnist in The Linking Rings publication under the heading "Simple Diversions".

Let's take a look at what A La Carte - Forged from Introspect has to offer:

Kard to Envelope - A story of penpals between you the magician and David Copperfield. In the pretense of finding the selected card and failing to do so the magically signed selected card is discovered in a sealed envelope from none other than Mr. David Copperfield. NO palming required.

Kard to Shoe - Andrew combines an old slight and handling for this presentation. The selected card is signed and returned to the deck where it is promptly shuffled. The magician scatters the cards on the floor and purports that when stepping on the pile the selected card will adhere to the bottom of his shoe. When this fails he removes the shoe, shows the card in the shoe and empties out the signed card. Again NO palming required.

Standing Kard Stab - One of Andrew's favorite performing pieces. Similar to the marketed items "Karate Coin" and "Card Stab". It utilizes a well-known Palm slight and minor card construction. A great platform peace to perform as it is quite dramatic in its revelation.

The Miser's Deck - From a shuffled deck four coins magically appear under four playing cards. During the routine the deck can be shuffled at any point, left alone and hands-off on the performing surface. NO palming of coins. NO sleights of kind needed. Totally self-working.

Cut & Restore Rope - A flash restoration of a cut rope. Andrew's handling of this classic effect is simple and elegant in its construction.

Out of This Ink - A unique presentation utilizing the famous Rorschach Test also known as the Ink Blot Psychologist Test. From a shuffled deck a spectator selects a card and is asked to study it for a few seconds then it is placed facedown on the performing surface. The magician shows six block cards and asks the spectator for their impressions. Based on the answers the magician selects three blot cards. The magician shows the interesting correlation between the selected card and the ink blot cards. A modern mystery!

Covert Deck II - This is just simply cool stuff. James Bond would probably have this in his collection. A normal looking deck of cards can be left in the open while it hides its most guarded secrets. Seeing is believing!

Pages: 48, over 250 photos, over 23 effects/slights, 8.50" x 11" - PDF FORMAT


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