The Beast Collection by Fenik (Eight Effects) - Video Download | Ir directamente al contenido
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Eight full professional new card routines!


Kerigma Searchers

A chosen card is lost in the deck. The magician shows two face-up black Kings on top of the cards. Then, with just a little slap, the Kings visually disappear. The deck is now spread, and the Kings are found in two different spots separated by 20 cards. The deck is squared up again and is placed on the table. The magician makes a magic pass over the cards; the deck is spread on the table and the black Kings are now together with only ONE card between them -- the chosen card! No culls, no passes, no moves, 100% clean, thanks to Fenik's new technique.

Second Skin Invisible Palm
If you are looking for a new version of Larry Jennings' "Invisible Palm Aces" with a great ending and no extras cards, SECOND SKIN INVISIBLE PALM is a must have! This is the effect Fenik performed at The Magic Castle for the video special, Jennings' Palooza, produced by expert magician Billy Goodwin.

Four Kings are lost in four different parts of the deck. Half of the deck is then turned face up and the other face down. These two halves are now shuffled together. The performer produces the four Kings in a Blast. The deck is immediately spread to show that all the cards are now facing the same way. What a Triumph!

88 Beast Assembly
Four Kings are placed on four different parts of the table. Three indifferent cards are then placed on top of each King. Three Kings disappear very cleanly and are found joining the leader King. The magician snaps his fingers and the Kings are transformed into the four Aces... but wait. Where are the Kings? They are all back in their original places. This is a killer. The 88 Beast Assembly was the very first effect that Fenik performed for Larry Jennings in 1989. This is pure magic -- magic that you can do everywhere.

The Rev
This effect is straightforward and eye-poppingly visual: four Jacks turn face down visually one at a time, and finally have their faces change from Jacks to Aces. Its method is highly ingenious. In fact, it's so much fun to watch, you'll want to stay in front of the mirror doing it again and again!

Holy Water... and Oil
This effect is as clean as it can get. Three red cards are mixed amongst three black cards. The performer waves his hand over the mixed packet and the black cards are magically separated from the red cards. This happens three times in a row, each time looking more impossible. Everything flows smoothly along until POW! You knock them out with the climax.

The Illusionist
Three cards are chosen by three different spectators, and the cards are lost in different parts of the deck. The magician snaps his fingers over the cards and the Queen of Hearts appears on top of the pack. The Queen of Hearts is inserted in the deck and it is stretched as it if were made out of rubber! Then, the Queen is cut into two pieces (Sawing a Woman in Half). Immediately, the three chosen cards are revealed.

Sky Travellers
The performer makes four signed Aces disappear visibly, one by one. Not only that, but each Ace has travelled to a different pocket on his person. As impossible as this seems, the performer makes good on his boast by removing a different signed Ace from four different pockets. Do it in close-up situations, parlour and stage. The method is diabolical. A sure hit.



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