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Oculus 2 is an updated handling on the prop-less date of birth divination. Included are various direct prop-less methods as well as a streamline handling with playing cards.

There is no explaining each of the card values or the need for the spectator to take out multiple cards from the deck or the need for peeking cards or using a marked deck, for the playing card version. The focus of this project was to streamline each of the methods, so that they were as close to perfection as possible. You will be able to divine and know the exact date of birth and star sign of a spectator within literally half a minute or so, with very little process.

Everything is easy to follow for the spectator and working out their date of birth becomes effortless for the performer. It will feel as if the spectator may as well be telling you their date of birth directly to your face, it is that easy! However, everything will remain hidden and be deceptive for those who witness your performance and take part in your demonstration.

This overall approach and collection of methods are some of the most elegant to be realised in the art. They are so stripped back and direct they make performing each of the variations a joy to perform! Included is a bonus idea from Fraser which effectively turns a psychological force into a 95 percent hit rate, allowing you to divine a single digit number your spectator is thinking of.

If you love Fraser's thinking then you will definitely want this update and extended work on his basic Oculus principle. This takes everything to the next level and uses different ways to get the spectator to a force number than his previous release. You will receive a physical booklet with a full colour gloss cover.


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