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Contains :

  • Pink Floyd - The backs of four jokers change from blue to red to blue again. The perfect opening routine, and it resets immediately! Pink Floyd is an object lesson in logical and efficient card handling.
  • Renaldo the Great - A routine for the venerable Chinese Prayer Vase that will fool your magic buddies and the smart-aleck kid at the restaurant. This funny routine is perfect for table hopping.
  • The El Cheepo Magic Club - Based on Paul Harris' Flash Fold, this is a great routine for kids, and it leaves your business card with the parents. The El Cheepo Magic Club also provides a lesson in using presentation to cover methodological restrictions.
  • Coda Chrome - An unbelievable three way coincidence that will completely baffle magicians and laymen. Based on a trick by Stewart James, Coda Chrome brings the use of "outs" to a new level.
  • Chicken Teriyaki - A beautifully routined Copper- Silver transposition which rings in the gaff in a way that will fly by anybody. Perfect for walk-around conditions, and the magic happens in the spectator's hands.
  • You Hue - A Wild Card routine using the spectator's name and a freely selected color marker. You Hue demonstrates another diabolical use of outs, and the gaff can be used in many other effects. A stunner!
  • Red Blue Mama Fooler - This trick has a strange name, but the effect is killer. The audience decides on the name of any card. A red-backed deck is spread; there is one blue-backed card in the deck. It is the named card. For a kicker, a blue-backed deck is spread. There is only one red-backed card in it. It is also the named card.
  • The Wishing Trick - This is the trick Michael Close developed to help him become comfortable using a memorized deck. The routine is charming, and you will learn important techniques for the memorized deck.
  • The Haunted Deck - Anyone names any card. Without any overt manipulation, the deck cuts itself at the named card. This is another memorized deck trick, but it can also be done without the memorized deck. In addition, Michael has added a visual touch that makes it look as if the deck is alive.
  • Reverse Logic - Here's the perfect card routine for the strolling performer: a series of baffling card reversals. Because the routine is modular, you can stop at any point and still have a strong ending.
  • 26 Cents Worth of Change - This routine is a rarity in magic: a truly impromptu coin trick. Two dimes go through a series of logical changes, ending up with the magician holding only a penny. This is another excellent strolling routine.
  • Flying Home - This is Michael Close's routine for the classic "Homing Card" effect. A signed card flies to the pocket two times. As a kicker, the entire deck flies to the pocket, except for the signed card.


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