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Chris Rawlins ist eine aufstrebende Stimme auf dem Gebiet des Mentalismus. Seine nüchterne, direkte Herangehensweise an das Gedankenlesen ist realistisch und verblüffend zugleich.
Auf dieser DVD - seiner ersten - zeigt er sieben seiner begehrtesten Originalkreationen.
Du lernst "Hack", den fairsten Zeitungstest, den wir je gesehen haben, "Lucky Lottery", einen schlanken und praktischen Lotterievorhersageeffekt, "Flutter", einen großartigen Namensenthüllungseffekt, und vieles mehr.
Bei dieser abendlichen Mentalismusvorstellung kannst du sehen, wie Mr. Rawlins den Raum bearbeitet, seinen Charakter definiert und einen Raum voller Menschen mit seiner ausgefeilten Art des Mentalismus verblüfft. Du wirst lernen:
Hack: Involve everyone in your audience with this clean, easy, and astonishing newspaper test.
Credit Guard: A high-stakes yet playful mentalism "game" in which you correctly determine where a spectators credit card is. You end with a hands-off revelation of someone's credit card info, yet you never touch or see their card.
Lucky Lottery: Six number are called at random by the audience. You then reveal the selected numbers printed upon a real, genuine lottery ticket, inside an envelope, inside your pocket.
Flutter: You reveal a thought in a playful and interesting way, that gives both the audience and spectator moments of amazement.
E-Numbers: You demonstrate super-human taste buds by recalling the exact combination of candies that have been created by your spectators. A Little Lead In - A moment to add texture to your show.
Drop Card: A spectator finds another spectator's thought of playing card, while their eyes are closed.
"A fantastic collection of workable material that you can perform as is or add your own style too."
- Chris Cox
"Chris Rawlins has released a very interesting DVD set for the Modern Mentalist. Chris is a charming performer, and his effects are clear and to the point. I was impressed with his approach to Al Korans Newspaper prediction Countdown. His method removes the stress, which I experience when performing the effect. I enjoyed the DVD very much."
- Graham Jolley
"Chris Rawlins' new DVD set is full of practical material that will delight all performers of contemporary mentalism. His effect Flutter is the best use of a certain classic mentalism idea released to date, and it would be worth buying the DVDs even if Flutter was the only trick on them!"
- Mark Elsdon
"Some great and practical methods for a working mentalist"
- John Archer
"Drawing inspiration from masters both past and present Chris Rawlins provides a series of classical effects with modern twists that pack small and play huge. Chris delivers them all with his own unique charm and provides in depth instruction that makes them suitable for even the most novice of performers."
- Michael Murray
"In this DVD Set Chris explains real workers routines from his professional repertoire. All of the routines are very well thought out and each psychological aspect, staging and nuance is perfectly covered. If you want to add some strong routines to your show that are very entertaining and pack a punch, this is the DVD set you are looking for!"
- Luca Volpe
Two DVDs in a beautiful slipcase.
Total running time: 2 hours, 40 minutes.
Todas las entregas dentro de Suiza y el Principado de Liechtenstein tienen lugar con el Swiss Post (www.post.ch).
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Envío económico (2-3 días hábiles)
Envío prioritario (1-2 Días laborables)
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Entrega del sábado (CHF 14.50): También se puede elegir una opción de envío de la publicación suiza para pedidos que lleguen de nosotros antes de las 3:30 p.m. ¡Los paquetes también se entregarán el sábado! Este servicio está sujeto a una tarifa, incluso si el valor de los bienes está por encima de CHF 100.–.
Express Moon (Fr. 25.00): Compensamos una tarifa plana para la entrega de la luna expresa. Esto incluye los costos de entrega con Swissexpress Moon, así como los costos adicionales para la preparación expresa. Los costos expresos siempre se incurren, incluso para envíos superiores a CHF 100.– Valor de bienes.
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