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K.E.N.T. is a wild mix of principles making for a REAL solution to mind reading. This looks like the REAL thing...

This has become an oft-referenced classic. Now get the original version PLUS new additions by Sean Waters, David J. Greene and more. This new version radically expands the possibilities of the original.

Please read this entire ad carefully. All we say here is TRUE.

Whether you are a close-up performer or a mentalist that plays it seriously, K.E.N.T. is a must have for you.

Kenton calls K.E.N.T. "One of two tools I rely upon for close-up work of any kind, magic or mentalism".

K.E.N.T. is the creation of Irish magician and mentalist John Mahood.

IMAGINE... A wise guy pulls out his own deck of cards and demands that you prove your abilities. He wants you to prove yourself, without touching the cards, without writing anything down, without others helping. NO touching, NO marks, NO sleight of hand of any kind.


With K.E.N.T. you tell the spectator to make it tough on you and think of one of a few cards he himself removes from his own deck. You never see these. You instruct him how to focus upon his thought of card and you NAME HIS CARD to the degree that he freaks out and swears you are the REAL thing. He dares you to tell him what his card is, and that is exactly what you are seen to do.

This friends is a true mindblower. It is POWERFUL stuff. But it is not for everyone. This is as close to real mind reading as you can get. Like real mind reading, you will at very rare times, miss. You should know this up front. K.E.N.T. is for performers. For many real performers, given the impossibility of this situation, this is not much of an issue. You would likely fail anyway, so why not have the tools to usually win out instead? Yet we wanted you to be aware of this possibility. Add Kolossal Killer to the mix, and you will do this and never fail. In an effort of complete disclosure, the effect is you name the entire card. The reality is you name the name or number of the card, not the suit generally. But due to the psychology used, it appears you have named not only the name, but the suit as well.

You should also know that this is based upon English and American English as well as American playing cards, so this may make a difference to you. If you and the people you perform for will speak in English generally, then this is great for you. If not, this may not be perfect for you. You would surely have to make a fair amount of adjustments to be able to use the basic idea in other languages. We like to be as clear and open as we can about such things.

With that in mind, this and "Killer" Kenton calls his "lifeblood of close-up and mentalism" with cards, and we have had satisfied English-speaking clients the world over.

K.E.N.T. is also a must have for the close-up card worker who faces the type of spectator that challenges you to find or tell him his thought about card. NOW YOU WILL.

For the mentalist who is asked to prove the "impossible", this is a tool that must be in your arsenal.

With practice, you can perform K.E.N.T. over the radio, phone or Internet if you wish.

Once you have your mind, you will need nothing else. Another person's mind and their own deck of cards is all that is used. That and the special secrets explained in K.E.N.T. With the new bonus methods, you don't even need cards...just a person's mind!

We TOLD you this seemed like the real thing.

Includes how Kenton uses K.E.N.T. in a One Behind or One Ahead effect as well.

An amazing tool for a steal of a price. See for yourself. May take some guts and/or acting, but well worth it in our view.

2010 Edition includes BONUS MATERIAL:
  • Sean Waters Version allows people to only THINK of cards in their minds - no physical cards required. This is THE pure mentalist version.
  • David J. Greene Version uses cards only imagined in the mind of a client, mixed with humor and a sealed prediction to get the attention of perspective clients, either live or in the mail. David has used this to tease people into booking his comedy mentalism performances, as well as in real-world business.
These versions use actual suggestion...we kid you not.

BOTH of these bonus items, along with new prompts incorporated into the original manuscript and other notes make for an exciting new version of this important classic.

No mentalist (or close-up worker for that matter) should be without it.

We HIGHLY suggest you get the Kolossal Killer PDF download too if you don't have it yet, as it works perfectly with this item and you never know when you might need it too.

Pages: 17 - PDF format


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