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"I now know that Celebrity Smart Ass is the reason I created the Smart Ass concept in the first place. It's a perfect marriage of bulletproof method and commercial presentation. AND it's no longer a card trick anymore! Celebrity Smart Ass a permanent piece in my show...and now it can be for you too!"
- Bill Abbott

The topic of celebrities and our endless fascination with them is introduced. You proceed to conduct a test of the audience's celebrity knowledge by using cards with first names on them. Going through the dozens of cards you call out each celebrity first name and the audience calls out the celebrity's last name. For example you say, "Paris!" the audience says, "Hilton!", you say "Tiger!" they say, "Woods!", you say "Britney", they say, "Spears!" etc. To take the test to the next level you ask for the help of a celebrity expert from the audience. Someone with almost intuitive or psychic ability in their mastery of celebrity identification. A volunteer is invited on stage, shown a large envelope, is offered a chair and asked to sit down on the envelope. Now using the volunteer's "celebrity intuition" with the help of their "psychic derriere" they will attempt to deduce the mystery celebrity whose photo resides in the envelope they are now sitting on. The spectator is handed the pack of celebrity names and is instructed to take about half in each hand. They are asked to toss one half away and keep the other. After they do this they cut the remaining names into two piles, holding one in each hand and they once again toss one pile away and keep the other. Down to the last few names, the participant chooses one, having the opportunity to change their mind as many times as they like. Their final choice is revealed and it's "Tom" for Tom Cruise. The spectator stands and hands you the envelope. Unbelievably they have found the needle in the haystack, as you pull out a photo of Tom the age of six months! A photo of a cute baby is revealed and the volunteer goes back to their seat to some polite applause and a lot of laughter! You unfold the photo explaining that the you hope that no one is easily offended as Tom Cruise is naked in this photo, and the baby is in fact, in the buff, when the photo is opened! You then ask the audience if they think that Mr. Cruise looks cuter as a baby, then he does now as an adult? Suddenly you turn the large tabloid-size photo over to reveal a very large (grown up) head shot of...Tom Cruise!

  • Perform Celebrity Smart Ass close-up and surrounded.
  • Perform Celebrity Smart Ass for large audiences.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass packs small and plays big.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass happens in their hands.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass takes seconds to reset.
  • Perform Celebrity Smart Ass naked (if you need to).
  • Celebrity Smart Ass is suitable for corporate and family audiences.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass uses no equivoque or magician's choice.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass uses no switch of the envelope prediction or flash card.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass uses any borrowed chair.
  • Celebrity Smart Ass is NOT a card trick!
Pro Pack Includes
  • 2 decks of specially constructed customizable blank-faced Bicycle brand playing cards.
  • 2 Heavy Duty Fiberboard Prediction Envelopes
  • 2 Large 3-Stage Revelation Tabloid Photos on 100 lb Card Stock
  • A DVD that features
  • -A Convention Performance of the routine.
  • -A Family Show Performance of the routine.
  • -In-depth instruction of the routine and method.
*PLUS As a Bonus You will receive a PDF copy of Customize Your Smart Ass!
Customize Your Smart Ass is a book full of ideas and routines, ready to use. Or get creative and originate your own routine using one of the world's most deceptive forcing decks. The power to force literally anything! Any object, location, name, product, person, animal, etc. There is no limit. A birthday child selects the very gift of their dreams, out of dozens to choose from. A gentleman selects the one name, out of dozens, that is his one true love. The popular vacation prediction with no double-writing and a really large finale that everyone in the room can read. Promote a product, a service or establishment, where the participant selects the right one - every time.


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  • De CHF 45.–
  • De CHF 100.– Valor de bienes, gratuito

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  • Tasa plana CHF 9.50
  • De CHF 100.–

Costos adicionales a solicitud de los clientes:

Entrega del sábado (CHF 14.50): También se puede elegir una opción de envío de la publicación suiza para pedidos que lleguen de nosotros antes de las 3:30 p.m. ¡Los paquetes también se entregarán el sábado! Este servicio está sujeto a una tarifa, incluso si el valor de los bienes está por encima de CHF 100.–.

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Los pedidos en la UE (Alemania, Austria, ...) solo son posibles debido a las nuevas regulaciones de importación de la UE de un valor de CHF 150.

¡Los envíos en el extranjero solo tienen sentido para los productos que no recibe en su país! Tenemos un socio en Alemania para artículos de magia, ¡aquí obtienes casi todo sin problemas de descuento!

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La mayoría de los productos también se pueden recoger de nosotros en la tienda en Zurich. Puede pedir estos productos para la recolección a través de la tienda en línea o venir de nosotros durante el horario de apertura sobre.


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