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Chris "Orbit" Brown, the creator of countless moves, effects, and the renowned magic seminar "The Classroom," has proven himself a force to be reckoned with. His attention to detail and intrinsic understanding of the art has hurdled Brown into the upper echelon of our community's teachers and technicians. On his At The Table Lecture, Chris shares the real work behind the magic and sleights he's developed over the past fifteen years. His passion for the art is sure to be contagious and will rub off on you and your own magic.

The Orbit Control: A variation of a Ken Krenzel idea for controlling a card to the top of the deck. Learn Chris' application that allows this control to be executed surrounded and performed invisibly. It's versatility makes this control well worth your time to master and utilize in your repertoire.

The Venus Trap: This is the first control Chris created over ten years ago. Many have called this one of the most invisible moves ever created.

Mars Control: A clean and deceptive sleight to control the spectator's selection.

Dr. Manhattan Change: A true declaration of technique to other fellow card men and a real moment of magic for your spectators. If you're looking to add that "magic moment," then the DMC is just what you're looking for.

SWE Shift: If you've ever had difficulty achieving the "SWE Shift", Chris reveals tricks and tips that will make you one hundred percent more confident in using this move.

The Trick That Cannot Be Explained: If Vernon was alive he would be fooled once again! You'll learn a face up and face down version that will fool magicians and laymen alike.

A Touch on the Rainman Algorithm: Chris shares the history of creating his well known "Rainman Algorithm." He even shares some stories of meeting the Rainman himself.


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  • Tarifa plana Fr. 7.50
  • De CHF 45.–
  • De CHF 100.– Valor de bienes, gratuito

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  • Tasa plana CHF 9.50
  • De CHF 100.–

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¡Los envíos en el extranjero solo tienen sentido para los productos que no recibe en su país! Tenemos un socio en Alemania para artículos de magia, ¡aquí obtienes casi todo sin problemas de descuento!

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