Zur Produktinformation


For over 25 years, Ed Ellis has performed close-up magic, sleight of hand illusions, and full time table side magic for Hollywood, TV, and sports celebrities. He is also an accomplished award winning drummer, and has played on stage with The Buddy Rich Band.

Ed has also performed his amazing close-up illusions at Las Vegas's Caesar's Palace, lectured at the world famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, and in 2005 was the star of the Ed Ellis TV Show.

1.You Ring? - A ring is borrowed, a rubber band is held at the fingertips of the right hand and placed through the center of the ring. A second rubber band is placed behind the other rubber band using your left hand. The spectator holds the ring as the bands instantaneously penetrate through the ring and each other and the spectator is left holding the ring with the rubber bands still at the fingertips of your hands.

2.Rubber band through Thumb (Ellis Version) - Usually done in a quick motion but this version is more visual and powerful by doing the penetration in slow motion and the spectator holding the rubber band. A fun little miracle.

3.Rubber band through Ring (Ellis Version) - Visual and powerful by doing the penetration with the spectator holding the ring. A fun little miracle.

4.Say Vanish! - Four cards are selected (signed is an option) then mixed into the deck. From a previous effect 4 aces are already on the table which you pick up and placed into an empty card box for a spectator to hold. A rubber band is wrapped twice around the deck and when the spectator says "vanish" the rubber band disappears and the deck and hands are shown front and back. The rubber band is gone! In an instant the rubber band reappears capturing 4 cards. Instead of the selected cards being captured the 4 aces have been captured and the box in the spectators hand contains the spectator selected cards!

Special Thanks to Chris Kenner and his book, "Totally Out Of Control".

Running Time Approximately 52min


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